World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS)
The World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) is a framework programme of the WMO aimed at building and reinforcing the technical and human capabilities of NMHSs to perform their basic role in data collection and management, information production, and dissemination. It also aims at promoting regional and basin-wide cooperation in hydrology. It supports decision-making in water management through the provision of reliable data and information. It envisions bolstering sustainable socioeconomic development, environmental protection, mitigation and adaptation to climate change effects, and conflict prevention.
The WHYCOS concept is implemented through a two-pronged, fully integrated approach. First, a global coordination mechanism provides the framework and general guidance. Second, a series of Hydrological Cycle Observing Systems (HYCOSs), which are independent but coordinated, provide the implementation at the river basin or regional level to address the specific needs of the local area. Since its formation in 1993, over 14 HYCOS projects have been undertaken around the world.