Training of trainers on Satellite-Based Hydrological Monitoring for Central Africa

20 March 2025

WMO conducted a Training of Trainers session in Lomé, Togo (17–19 March 2025) to enhance satellite-based hydrological monitoring in Central Africa. This aims to strengthen hydrological services by optimizing Earth observation data and fostering regional collaboration.

In a concerted effort to strengthen hydrological monitoring and water resources management in Central Africa, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in collaboration with specialists from Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS), France, and the International Congo-Ubangui-Sanga Commission (CICOS), has initiated a capacity building plan on satellite-based hydrological monitoring. The objective is to optimize the use of Earth observation data to enhance operational hydrological services. 

As part of this, a "training of trainers" was held from 17 to 19 March 2025 in Lomé, Togo. The training brought together satellite altimetry specialists who worked to enhance the capacity of 10 participants from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo), River Basin Authorities (Niger Basin Authority, Lake Chad Basin Commission) and the National Space Research and Development Agency of Nigeria on analyzing and monitoring water level variations in major lakes (e.g Tanganyika and Chad) and rivers (e.g. Congo), as well as assessing flood risks

Participants deepened their knowledge of satellite product validation using local observations. The training also focused on preparing technical notes on hydrological conditions in pilot areas across Central Africa. The trained specialists are now equipped to transfer knowledge in future training sessions, as part of the current WMO capacity-building initiative on satellite altimetry for Africa. A valuable collaboration was established with specialists of some River Basin Authority in West Africa, who will help expand this technical support over the region. 

This training was conducted under the framework of the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Central Africa and CREWS West Africa initiatives.

WMO extends its sincere appreciation to the Agence Nationale De La Meteorologie (ANAMET) of Togo for their invaluable support in hosting this training as well as the LEGOS specialists for their engagement in sharing knowledge.

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