Activities and events

We venture by the present circular letter to invite the heads of Meteorological Institutes, the Meteorological and other Learned Societies, as well as private scientific men and practical observers in the domain of Meteorology, to this consultative meeting, which is to be held in Leipzig ..." (From the invitation letter to the Meteorological Conference at Leipzig, August 1872)

In this section you can find PPE-related activities sorted by: 

  1. High-Level Sessions of the Open Consultative Platform 
  2. High-Level Regional Forums linked to the Open Consultative Platform
  3. OCP Innovation Seminars & Workshops
  4. WMO meetings and events on PPE
  5. Events by stakeholders: Outcomes/news/announcements or related events by partners
  6. PPE projects/activities
  7. All activities and events sorted by time

Open Consultative Platform High-Level Sessions

Slide displaying "Fifth High-level Session of the Open Consultative Platform," held on 13 June 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland by the World Meteorological Organization.

13 June 2024

Fifth-high Level Session

of the Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-5)

Event details ¦ Summary Report ¦ Recording ¦ Presentations

The logo for the fourth session of the open consultative platform.

26 May 2023 

Fourth-high Level Session

 of the Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-4)

Event details ¦ Summary Report ¦ Recording ¦ Press release ¦ Presentations

High level session of the open consultative platform.

20 June 2022

Third High-level Session of the Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-3)

Event details ¦ Summary Report ¦ Recording ¦ Press release ¦ Presentations

A poster with a picture of a man and a woman.

26 & 27 May 2021

Second High-level Session of the Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-2)

Event details ¦ Summary Report ¦ Recording ¦ Press release 1 April 2021 & 9 June 2021 ¦ Presentations

A group of people sitting at a conference table.

05 May 2019 

High-level Round Table for the Launch of the Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-1)

Event details ¦ Summary Report ¦ Recording ¦ Press release 6 June 2019 & 7 June 2019 ¦ Presentations

High-Level Regional Forums linked to the OCP

In 2019 WMO Congress endorsed Resolution 79: Open Consultative Platform “PARTNERSHIP AND INNOVATION FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF WEATHER AND CLIMATE INTELLIGENCE” through which Members agreed that the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) should continue to play a central role in facilitating the dialogue between the sectors. In November 2020, Regional Association III (RA III, South America) decided to consider organizing, in partnership with associations of the private sector, the first Regional Forum on Public-Private Engagement (PPE), linked to the Open Consultative Platform (OCP).

The objective of the High-Level Regional Forum of the OCP in each region is to bring together the Permanent Representatives of every region and high-level representatives of the private and academic sectors to facilitate dialogue among all stakeholders at the regional level and to discuss region-specific issues, opportunities, and initiatives for leveraging cooperation and collaboration between sectors that enhance socioeconomic benefits of weather and climate service. Discussions would include, but are not limited to, identifying common interests; understanding the complementary roles and strengths of actors from the public, private, and academic sectors; exploring opportunities for partnership within every region; and improving all stakeholders’ collective capability in leveraging resources, improving efficiency and sustaining quality services.

13 February 2023 

High-level Regional Forum linked to the Open Consultative Platform in RA I -Africa- (OCP-HL-RA I)

Event details ¦ Key messages ¦ Recording ¦ Presentations

17 & 18 April 2023

High-level Regional Forum linked to the Open Consultative Platform in RA II&V -Asia and South West Pacific- (OCP-HL-RA II&V)

Event details ¦ Key messages ¦ Recording ¦ Presentations

21 July 2022

High-level Regional Forum linked to the Open Consultative Platform in RA III -South America- (OCP-HL-RA III)

Event details ¦ Key messages ¦ Recording ¦ Presentations

08 February 2023

High-level Regional Forum linked to the Open Consultative Platform in RA IV -North America, Central America and the Caribbean (OCP-HL-RA IV)

Event details ¦ Key messages ¦ Recording ¦ Presentations

03 Novemeber 2022 

High-level Regional Forum linked to the Open Consultative Platform in RA VI -Europe- (OCP-HL-RA VI)

Event details ¦ Key messages ¦ Recording ¦ Presentations

OCP Innovation Seminars & Workshops


24 September 2024

OCP GBON/SOFF Workshop - The Workshop is co-organized by GeoSphere Austria, the HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry Association (HMEI), the SOFF Secretariat, and the WMO Secretariat. This session will bring together representatives from the meteorological, climate, and hydrological community to discuss how these initiatives are driving improvements in weather forecasts, early warning systems, and climate services to save lives and proprieties, and support resilient development.

Event website ¦ Presentations ¦ Press release


19 - 20 February 2024

WMO Workshop on Standardization of the First-mile Data Collection from Automatic Observing Stations and Platforms - WMO calls for the private sector to collaborate in standardizing the first-mile data transmission to support the NMHSs in a difficult time of growing commitments and decreasing budgets to simplify the data transmission between the observing systems and data collection and processing systems by standardizing telecommunication, transmission protocols and data formats.

Event website ¦ Presentations

11 July 2022 

OCP Innovation Webinar - This workshop brought together the experts of private companies (Aquatic Informatics and OTT Hydromet), government authorities (Nebraska Department of Natural Resources and Nebraska Water Management), and the WMO Secretariat for a robust discussion on existing practices and technological opportunities for public-private collaboration to improve decision making during extreme flooding events. More details in the event site. 

Event website ¦ Recording

2 & 4 February 2022

HydroHub Innovation Webinar - WMO HydroHub Phase II Innovation Roadmap

Event website ¦ Registration Website

14 December 2021

OCP Innovation Webinar - Innovation and Cutting-Edge Activities in Space-borne Precipitation Measurements and Application. 

Event site ¦ Presentation ¦ Recording 


4 October 2021 

OCP Innovation Webinar - Met Office and Microsoft share information on what their partnership means for the future of the Met Office.

Information Site ¦ Presentation ¦ Recording 

21 April 2021

OCP Innovation Webinar - Microsoft and the UN Sustainable Development Goals 

The WMO Open Consultative Platform (OCP) "Partnership and Innovation for the Next Generation of Weather and Climate Intelligence" is a place for sharing information and knowledge between the public and private sectors, and for promoting collaboration in addressing global societal challenges. We are pleased to announce an Innovation Webinar with the kind support from  Microsoft on the theme: "Microsoft and the UN Sustainable Development Goals - A deep dive into digital technologies and innovations to accelerate climate, water and weather goals" 

Event website ¦ Recording

3 July 2020

Innovation in PPE - Public Goods in Weather and Climate 

Information page ¦ Presentation ¦ Recording 

Drs Adriaan Perrels (Finnish Meteorological Institute) and Gerald Van der Grijn (DTN)

7 April 2020

Multi-hazards Early Warning System in the Pacific 

Dr Bapon Fakhruddin, Technical Director, Tonkin + Taylor International 

Information site ¦ Presentation ¦ Summary ¦ Recording

27 February 2020

Integrating Technology - Driven Solutions to Improve the Production and Utilization of Weather Products and Services in Africa

Information page ¦ Presentation 

Dr Georgina Campbell Flatter, Director, 

WMO meetings and events


29 January 2024

Panel Discussion PD1 - WMO and Public-Private-Academic Engagement to Advance Climate Services: A Leadership Discussion. In this high level discussion, the WMO Secretary General, together with representatives from NOAA and the international philanthropic community will each highlight their approaches to leveraging the strength of different sectors and stakeholders to facilitate the transformation of climate science and knowledge into practical and productive climate services for societal benefit.

Website ¦ Recording

09 January 2023

Panel discussion of the 8th Symposium on US-International Partnerships- Unlocking the Potential of Data and Information: An Invited Leadership Session on Innovative Approaches in PPE. In the session, WMO SG will provide a keynote address on progress and future direction on PPE and focus areas including severe weather and climate early warning to protect life and property and international earth system data exchange to enable weather and climate services. 

Website ¦ Recording

24 Jan 2022

Panel discussion of the 7th Symposium on WMO-Evolving Roles and Responsibilities: A Leadership Town Hall on Public-Private Engagement and the New Unified WMO Data Policy. This Session will feature keynote remarks from the WMO SG and panelists from WMO, NOAA, and private sector leadership; it will be followed by a town hall-style Q&A session. The leaders will provide updates on progress on WMO PPE-related activities (such as White Papers and the high-level forum) and the adoption of the new WMO Unified Data Policy.

Website ¦ Recording

11 Jan 2021

Panel discussion of the 6th Symposium on US-International Partnerships - WMO - Better Service to All: A Leadership Town Hall on WMO Reform and Public-Private Partnerships. This session will feature keynote remarks from WMO and NOAA leadership followed by a town hall-style Q&A session. The leaders will provide updates on progress on WMO reform and public-private partnerships since the eighteenth World Meteorological Congress (June 2019, Geneva) and the adoption of the Geneva Declaration - 2019: Building Community for Weather, Climate and Water Actions. 

Website ¦ Recording

22 Oct 2022

WMO Technical Conference on the UN Global Warning Initiative for Climate Adaptation: Early Warning Systems for All. Globally, 53% of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) report that they cannot provide effective early warning services (EWS) due to the lack of capacity and/or capability. This conference will be an opportunity for Members and stakeholders including Big Tech, the wider private sector, other UN Agencies, and funding partners, to play a part in further exploring the global EWS "value cycle" within the context of current and future user needs, the UN Secretary General's 5 years challenge, the relevant outcomes of the 75th session of WMO Executive Council 2022 and the four components of the initiative. 

Website ¦ Recording

10 March 2021

WMO & HMEI Information Day: A WMO/HMEI joint event to improve the industry stakeholders' awareness about the structures working procedures, plans, and priorities of WMO's new technical bodies, as well as the Organization's policy and actions to engage better the private sector. 

Event website

4 December 2020

WMO International Weather Apps Awards Ceremony: The Awards 2020 underscored the importance of sharing know-how and innovation in providing services to society, through identifying and recognizing high standards and good practices for weather apps. 

Event website ¦ WMO news release

7 October 2020

WMO Data Conference - Workshop on Theme 2: "Business models and data policy issues": Presentations and discussion covered the evolution of the business models for the generation and exchange of Earth System data and information, and how these models are affected by data policy.


September 2020, Geneva, Switzerland 

The Seventy-Second Session of the Executive Council endorsed the Guidelines for Public-Private Engagement (Edition 2020) 

June 2019, Geneva Switzerland 

The Eighteenth Session of the World Meteorological Congress adopted Resolution 80(Cg-18): Geneva Declaration - 2019: Building Community for Weather, Climate and Water Actions

June 2019, Geneva Switzerland 

The Eighteenth Session of the World Meteorological Congress adopted Resolution 80(Cg-18): Open Consultative Platform "PARTNERSHIPS AND INNOVATION FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF WEATHER AND CLIMATE INTELLIGENCE"

October 2018, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Global Weather Enterprise Conference 



June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland

The Seventieth Session of the Executive Council adopted Resolution 11 (EC-70) WMO Policy Framework for Public-Private Engagement


Events by stakeholders


22-23 June 2021

Public-private Engagement on Hydromet Modernization - SADC Hydromet Forum 2021


20-22 April 2021

Towards Sustainable and Effective Hydromet Services in West Africa through Public-private Engagement - 2nd ECOWAS Hydromet Forum 2021 

21 Jan 2021

GWE Online Forum 1: Legislative Frameworks that Enable Public-Private Engagement 

Information page ¦ Presentation ¦ Discussion ¦ Recording 

The Online Forum was moderated by Dimitar Ivanov (Director of Public-Private Engagement at WMO), and the panelists include: Tatsuya Kimura, Seconded Expert to WMO/PEE; Ian Lisk, President of WMO Services Commission; Stella M.O. Aura, Director of Kenya Meteorological Department; Dennis Schulze, Managing Director of MeteoIQ GmbH; Jonathan Porter, Vice President Business Services & General Manager of AccuWeather for Business; and Steve Hodgson, Environmental Lawyer, Belgium

13, 15, and 16 Oct 2020

Hydromet Africa Virtual 2020: Development of Capacity in the African Regional Weather Enterprise (ARWE) 

8 Oct 2020

IFMS Webinar on WMO's Open Consultative Platform 

Information page ¦ Presentation 1, 2 ¦ Q&A ¦ Recording

Dimitar Ivanov, (Director PPE Office/WMO) Aand Tatsuya Kimura (Seconded Expert). The webinar was moderated by Dr John L. (Jack) Hayes, AMS.

7 July 2020

Second Webinar on GCS Investment Blueprint for Climate Informed digital advisory services (World Business Council for Sustainable Development)

Oct 2019

Public-private Engagement session at the first African Climate Risks Conference (ACRC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) 

PPE Projects and Activities

Public engagement in weather climate water services.

 Public-Private Engagement in Weather, Climate and Water Services Training Course (Available in English, Spanish and French)

Training Course English Version

Curso de capacitación Versión en Espanol 

Cours de formation Verion en Français 

 Pilot Project in RA II (25 February 2022): Pilot Project on Public-Private Engagement for Smart Meteorological Services in Mega-Cities in Regional Association II 


Activities and Events sorted by time








PPE Events