High-Level Regional Forum linked to the Open Consultative Platform in the Regional Associations II & V (Asia and South-West Pacific)

The Public-Private Engagement Office and the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are organizing a High-level Regional Forum of the Open Consultative Platform (ROCP) in Regional Associations II & V (RAs II & V) -Asia and South-West Pacific- in Singapore on 18 April 2023 in conjunction with the Asia Climate Forum a dedicate climate-defense resilience, adaptation, and mitigation focused conference and exhibition, previously known as the InterMet Asia (which will take place in the same place from 19 to 20 April 2023).
The objective of this ROCP is to bring together the Permanent Representatives (PRs) with WMO RAs II & V and representatives from the private and academic sectors for a dialogue to discuss region-specific issues, opportunities, and initiatives to enhance cross-sector cooperation and collaboration that improve the socio-economic benefits of weather, climate and water-related services, as well as contributing to WMO strategic priorities in coming years, e.g. the Early Warnings for All: the UN Global Early Warning Initiative for the Implementation of Climate Adaptation.
The discussion will include but not be limited to identifying common interests; understanding the complementary roles and strengths of actors from the public, private, and academic sectors; exploring opportunities for partnership within the region; enhancing the collective capacity of all stakeholders to leverage resources; and sustaining quality services.
Event name:
- High-level Regional Forum of the OCP (ROCP) in the Regional Associations II & V (Asia and South-West Pacific) Date: 18 April 2023 (whole-day event)
Type of event:
- In-person and hybrid meeting
- Suntec City, Singapore
- PPE Office, WMO Secretariat
- Public-Private Engagement: HMEI Perspective - HMEI
- Challenges and opportunities - Met Service New Zealand
- Practice and Reflection on CMA PPE - CMA Public Meteorological Service Centre
- PPE in the Republic of Korea - KMA
- Challenges and Opportunities from a Private Company's View for an Efficient PPE/PPP Framework - WeatherNews
- How to Serve as a Bridge for PPE - CMSA
- Case Introduction: PPE on Weather Services in China - MOJI Weather
- Legislation & Strategy: Meteorological Service Act in Japan - JMA
- PPE: Collaboration on Spacial Observations - Zoglab Microsystem
- Global Business - Baron Weather
- Enabling Strategies & Legislation - Meteo France International