1st GHHIN Southeast Asia Heat Health Forum

(UTC: 2025年 01月 06日, 01:00 - 2025年 01月 11日, 07:00)


The primary objective of the GHHIN's 1st SEA Heat Health Forum is to convene the multi-disciplinary regional community, foster meaningful dialogue, and facilitate collaborations to address the pressing issues of heat and health in Southeast Asia. Building upon the research leadership demonstrated by NUS and other relevant regional organizations, the forum aims to align the interests of research, policy, industry, and the community to highlight urgent priorities and consolidate resources within the region.    Additionally, the forum will serve as the official launch platform for GHHIN's regional node, leveraging the expertise and insights generated regional partners to drive actionable outcomes and tangible impacts. Through active participation and engagement, the forum will work towards identifying priority areas for focus in the region and developing a comprehensive stakeholder map to facilitate ongoing collaboration and coordination beyond the event.
