SERCOM: Commission for Weather, Climate, Hydrological, Marine, and Related Environmental Services and Applications

The Commission for Weather, Climate, Hydrological, Marine, and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) was established by the eighteenth World Meteorological Congress in 2019. Its role is to support the implementation of the WMO Strategic Plan by developing and implementing globally harmonized services and applications.

SERCOM Subsidiary Bodies

In 2024, SERCOM re-established its six Standing Committees for the period 2024 to 2028, each focusing on a specific domain:

  • Standing Committee on Services for Agriculture (SC-AGR)
  • Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI)
  • Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI)
  • Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning Services (SC-DRR)
  • Standing Committee on Hydrological Services (SC-HYD)
  • Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO)

In addition to the standing committees, SERCOM has introduced new groups to address emerging challenges and enhance service delivery:

  • Study Group on Renewable Energy Transition (SG-RENE)
  • Joint Expert Team of SC-CLI and SC-HYD on Cryosphere-related Services (JET-CRYO)
  • Advisory Group on Flood Forecasting Initiative (FFI-AG)

SERCOM's subsidiary bodies are composed of technical experts from all WMO regions. These experts are responsible for executing the tasks outlined in the Commission's Work Programme, contributing to the development and implementation of harmonized services globally.

The activities carried out by SERCOM are detailed in the SERCOM Work Programme for the second intersessional period (2024 – 2027), adopted at SERCOM-3. This program outlines the goals and tasks of the Commission, ensuring alignment with WMO’s strategic objectives.

For more details on SERCOM’s activities, Standing Commitees, technical documents and meetings visit the SERCOM Community Website.


The third session of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Hydrological, Marine and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM-3) was held in Bali, Indonesia, from 4 to 9 March 2024

Executive Council (EC-78)

The seventy-eighth session of the Executive Council (EC‑78) took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10 to 14 June 2024.