Education and Training Programme (ETRP)
The WMO Education and Training Programme (ETRP) aims at ensuring the National Meteorological and hydrological Services (NMHSs) and their associated institutions are competent to deliver required services and play other relevant roles in national socioeconomic development, by making available the necessary policy, guidance, resources and training. As laid out in its Convention, one of the primary aims of the Organization is to encourage training in meteorology and operational hydrology, and to assist in coordination of the international aspects of such training needs and related activities.
ETRP was launched in 1987, through 18 of the tenth WMO Congress (Cg-10). The ETRP is managed by the Education and Training (ETR) Office, under the oversight of the Executive Council (EC) and guidance of the EC Capacity Development Panel (EC-CDP), which serves as an advisory body on all aspects of technical and scientific education and training in meteorology and operational hydrology. In accordance with WMO policies and strategy, the ETRP activities are carried out in collaboration with the WMO designated Regional Training Centres (RTCs), training units of NMHSs, WMO Global Campus collaborating institutions, universities, training networks, and relevant training centres and institutions of WMO global and regional key partners and programmes.