Training on greenhouse gases in Bukit Kototabang, Indonesia

(UTC: 30 September 2024, 01:00 - 04 November 2024, 11:00)

Tanjung Jabung Barat, Indonesia

The WMO and BMKG Hands-on Training on Greenhouse Gases Measurements at the WMO Global Atmospheric Watch Bukit Koto Tabang, West Sumatra, Indonesia   (2024) The training course will enable operators of the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Stations, and early-career scientists, researchers, and professionals who are passionate about climate change and GHG monitoring from the WMO Regional Association II (Asia) (RA II) and RA V (South-West Pacific) to have practical skills and knowledge enabling them to operate and maintain the GHG measurement instruments as well as to collect, submit and analyse data to better address the challenges of climate change, in line with the GAW best practices.
