Severe Weather Forecasting Programme (SWFP)
The Severe Weather Forecasting Programme (SWFP) aims to strengthen the capacity of WMO Members to deliver improved forecasts and warnings of severe weather in order to save lives and livelihoods and protect property and infrastructure. Currently, SWFP with contributions from the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS) (formerly GDPFS) and support from development partners and donors covers around 85 developing countries in nine sub-regions of the world. In support of UN Early Warnings for All initiative, SWFP also aims to expand its geographical coverage to more sub-regions and countries, and to facilitate improved tools and guidance products for the NMHSs to improve their early warning services.
SWFP, in collaboration with Public Weather Services (PWS) activity, also focuses on developing capacity for impact-based forecasts and warning services for improved decision-making. Impact-based warnings provide information on what the weather will do in addition to what it will be - the potential impacts of forecast weather on users and stakeholders. The capacity development work of the SWFP targets National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in developing countries, least developed countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Territories.