Time efficiency of precipitation real-scene products updated to five minutes - China Meteorological Administration

02 December 2020

On November 13, after optimization and upgrading, time efficiency of the precipitation real-scene products of National Meteorological Information Center (NMIC) of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) was updated from 8-10 minutes in the past to five minutes. The faster the time efficiency of real-scene products, the more benefits of follow-up application and real-time services are. NMIC has combed through each link of real-scene products making, conducted analysis of the whole procedure of data source input, integrated analysis to national-provincial services, focused on the bottleneck inhibiting product time efficiency, and cracked each bottleneck.

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On November 13, after optimization and upgrading, time efficiency of the precipitation real-scene products of National Meteorological Information Center (NMIC) of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) was updated from 8-10 minutes in the past to five minutes. The faster the time efficiency of real-scene products, the more benefits of follow-up application and real-time services are. NMIC has combed through each link of real-scene products making, conducted analysis of the whole procedure of data source input, integrated analysis to national-provincial services, focused on the bottleneck inhibiting product time efficiency, and cracked each bottleneck.

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