WMO Open Consultative Platform White Paper #2 - Future of National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services: Evolving roles and responsibilities
This OCP White Paper on the Future of National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services - Evolving Roles and Responsibilities has been produced as a collective endeavor of a group of world-leading experts to analyze trends, challenges, and opportunities in a dynamic environment. It is focused on evolving roles, responsibilities, operational scenarios, and partnership mechanisms that define the future and work of NMSs as national institutions and key participants in the global weather, climate, and water ecosystem of stakeholders. The primary objective of this paper is to inform key decisions on the future development of NMSs, consider risks, opportunities, and scenarios for the foreseen institutional, technological, and operational changes, and enable better governance choices to mitigate possible negative impacts. Another objective of this paper is to help set the direction for WMO in its strategic planning process, with the recognition that NMSs play a decisive role in the achievement of long-term goals and strategic objectives.

The White Paper #2 is available on the WMO e-Library.
Click on the button below to be directed to the WP #2 e-Library Page.