GCOS input to the Global Goal on Adaptation
The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS, co-sponsored by WMO, IOC-UNESCO, UNEP and ISC) welcomes the opportunity to submit its views in response to the call referred to in SB 60 conclusions on matters relating to the Global Goal on Adaptation: “The SBSTA and the SBI invited Parties and non-Party stakeholders, including relevant constituted bodies, United Nations organizations and specialized agencies, and other relevant organizations from all geographical regions, to submit via the submission portal by 31 July 2024 information on existing indicators for measuring progress towards the targets referred to in paragraphs 9–10 of decision 2/CMA.5 in use at the local, national, regional and global level, including, if available, information on associated methodologies and data readiness for such indicators, as well as identified gaps and areas for which the development of new indicators may be needed”.
- Statement