Voluntary Cooperation Programme (VCP)
Set up in 1967, the Voluntary Cooperation Programme (VCP) encourages collaboration, capacity-building and support among the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of its Members. Supported by theirvoluntary contributions, VCP can provide the “quick time” response support to address immediate needs of Members in developing countries. The fields of cooperation covered by VCP should include the following (Resolution 68, WMO Cg-18):
- Development of relevant legislation and National Strategic Plans of NMHSs;
- Granting of short-term and long-term fellowships;
- Support to short-term training seminars;
- Support to user engagement for meteorological, climatological and hydrological applications and service delivery;
- Establishment / enhancement of observing and data-processing facilities, applications and service delivery / dissemination services;
- Contingency planning for cases of severe disasters; and
- Other areas of cooperation, as may be proposed by the WMO Secretary General or the Executive Council.