Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre Nadi's Area of Responsibility
Lists A, B, C, and D are used sequentially one after the other. The first name in any given year is the one immediately following the last name from the previous year. List E is a list of replacement names if they become necessary. Wellington TCWC will name the cyclone, in consultation with RSMC Nadi, by using the next name from RSMC Nadi's list, if a tropical cyclone in the Wellington TCWC's area of responsibility, Wellington.
RSMC Nadi's Area of Responsibility
LIST A | LIST B | LIST C | LIST D | LIST E (standby) | |
A | Aru (ah-roo) | Arthur (ah-tha) | Alvin (el-vin) | Amos (ah-mos) | Adama (Ah-dah-mah) |
B | Bina (bee-nah) | Becky (beh-key) | Bune (boo-neh) | Bart (bart) | Ben (ben) |
C | Carol (kah-rol) | Chip (chip) | Cyril (sir-rill) | Crystal (kris-tal) | Christy (chris-tee) |
D | Dovi (doh-vee) | Denia (de-nee-ah) | Danial (dah-nee-el) | Dean (deen) | Dakai (dah-kai) |
E | Eva (ee-vah) | Elisa (ee-lee-sah) | Eden (ee-den) | Ella (el-lah) | Emosi (eh-mo-see) |
F | Fili (fee-lee) | Fotu (foh-too) | Florin (flaw-rin) | Fehi (feh-hee) | Feki (feh-kee) |
G | Gina (gee-nah) | Glen (glen) | Garry (gah-ree) | Garth (garth) | Germaine (jur-main) |
H | Hale (hay-ill) | Hettie (heh-tee) | Haley (hay-lee) | Hola (ho-la) | Hart (hart) |
I | Irene (eye-reen) | Innis (in-iss) | Isa (ee-sah) | Iris (eye-ris) | Ili (ee-lee) |
J | Josese (joh-seh-seh) | Julie (ju-lee) | June (joon) | Jo (joh) | Junina (ju-nee- nah) |
K | Kirio (kee-ree- o) | Ken (ken) | Kofi (cof-fee) | Kala (kah-lah) | Kosi (co-see) |
L | Lute (loo-teh) | Lin (lin) | Louise (loo-ees) | Liua (lee-oo-ah) | Lia (lee-ah) |
M | Mata (mah-tah) | Maciu (ma-thee-u) | Mike (mike) | Mona (moh-nah) | Manoah (mah-no-ah) |
N | Nat (nat) | Nisha (nee-shaa) | Niko (nee-koh) | Neil (nee-ill) | Neta (neh-tah) |
O | Osai (oh-sigh) | Orea (oh-reh-a) | Opeti (oh-peh-tee) | Oma (oh-mah) | Olina (oh-lee-nah) |
P | Pita (pee-tah) | Palu (pah-loo) | Perry (peh-ree) | Pana (pah-nah) | Paea (pah-ee-ah) |
R | Rae (ray) | Rene (reh-neh) | Reuben (roo-ben) | Rita (ree-tah) | Rex (rex) |
S | Seru (seh-roo) | Sarah (sah-rah) | Solo (so-lo) | Samadiyo (sah-mah-dee-oh) | Sete (seh-teh) |
T | Tam (tam) | Troy (troy) | Tuni (too-nee) | Tasi (tah-see) | Temo (teh-mo) |
U | Urmil (er-mill) | Uinita (oo-ee-nee-tah) | Ulu (oo-loo) | Uesi (oo-eh-see) | Uila (oo-ee-lah) |
V | Vaianu (vai-ah-noo) | Vanessa (vah-neh-sa) | Victor (vic-tor) | Vicky (vic-key) | Velma (vel-mah) |
W | Wati (wah-tee) | Wano (wah-noh) | Wanita (wah-nee-tah) | Wasi (wah-see) | Wane (wah-neh) |
X | Xavier (zay-vee-ah) | ||||
Y | Yani (yah-nee) | Yvonne (ee-von) | Yates (yates) | Yabaki (yah-bah-key) | Yavala (yah-vah-lah) |
Z | Zita (zee-tah) | Zaka (zah-kah) | Zidane (zee-dane) | Zazu (zah-zoo) | Zanna (zan-nah) |