Daouda Konate is Director of the National Service of Meteorology of the Côte d’Ivoire and Permanent Representative of Côte d'Ivoire with WMO since February 2012. He is elected at WMO Congress as 1st Vice -President of WMO for four years 2023-2027. The first African to be elected at this governance position.  In his capacity as 1st Vice-President. KONATE will be responsible for the coordination of the capacity  development activities of WMO Member states,  coordination of programmes  including climate change, Early warnings for All, weather and climate information and  observations. He will coordinate the six WMO Regional Associations to accelerate implementation of programmes in regions of the world. He will assist the WMO President in the coordination of WMO policies and strategic plan.

As Director of the National Meteorological service, his role is to ensure the coordination of meteorological activities at the national level including observations, data and information systems, monitoring and forecasting systems and meteorlogical studies. He also manages and harmonizes investment programmes and maintains a permanent dialogue between the users and providers climate services.

As Permanent Representative of Cote d’Ivoire with the WMO, he was commissioned by the Government to ensure the formal representation of Côte d’Ivoire with WMO. He leads the implementation of WMO programmes at the national level and ensures international cooperation and leadership essential for the development of weather, climate, hydrology. He contributes to the coordination of institutional collaborations for the protection of people and property against natural disasters and the implementation of climate services for disaster risk reduction in all sectors of society in areas such as food security, resource water and transport. He was a member of Management Groups of Global Framework on Climate Services (GFCS ).

He is elected member of the Executive Council of the WMO since the 66th session of the Executive Council in May 2015. The executive council coordinates programmes, manages budget and consider resolutions and recommendations from regional associations and technical commissions. 

From February 2019 to February 2023, he was the President of WMO Regional association I I(Africa). His led the implementation within the Africa continent of WMO programmes on climate change, Early Warnings and the capacity development of national meteorological services. Prior to this position, he was Vice President the same regional association I I-Africa from 2015 to 2019.

From 2012 to 2014, he chaired the Committee of Directors of Meteorological Services of ECOWAS (the Regional economic Community of West African States). He was responsible for the coordination of meteorological activities in the West African region on behalf of ECOWAS. He is responsible for the implementation of the meteorological program of ECOWAS and the development of cooperation with other agencies and sub-regions.

From 2000 to 2009, he was a member of the expert group of African Center of Meteorological applications for Development (ACMAD) for the development of the African Strategy in Numerical Weather Prediction (SAPREM). He is a member of the ACMAD Board of Governors. 

Daouda Konate has a Meteorologist Degree at the National School of Meteorology in Toulouse (France). He holds a Master of Physics at the Felix Houphouet Boigny Abidjan University and a Master of Economics. He is also graduate in MBA in management and business administration. He successfully completed the course on "bilateral and multilateral negotiations: strategies and techniques" organized by WMO and UNITAR.

A man wearing glasses and a suit.