WMO issues Annual Report: services for decision-making
WMO has issued its annual report for 2017: Services for Decision-Making. The report, issued during the Executive Council meeting, focuses on the knowledge-base, information for decision-making, supporting sustainable development, and also looks at WMO’s budgets, staffing and structure.

WMO has issued its annual report for 2017: Services for Decision-Making. The report, issued during the Executive Council meeting, includes sections on the knowledge-base; information for decision-making; supporting sustainable development; and WMO’s budgets, staffing and structure.
“Governments rely on our community’s information and services to protect life and property from a wide array of extreme events. They also use them to advance the global agenda, notably the Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Paris Agreement on climate change,” said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas in a foreword.
“Decision-makers need to understand how climate variability and change are likely to affect key sectors such as agriculture, water resources, energy production, finance, migration, public health and disaster risk management. Integrating weather and climate information with socioeconomic, geographical and other data makes it possible to create particularly powerful decision-support tools,” said Mr Taalas.
Year after year, WMO and its Members continue to improve the delivery of high-quality predictions and information. Tropical cyclones are a good example: thanks. to high-resolution satellite imagery and sophisticated models, emergency managers can now issue accurate and targeted warnings more than a week in advance. Communities can use information on long-term trends to prepare for change and to build resilience. By ensuring that service providers consult with users when they develop new services, we are able to generate information that provides practical, real-life solutions.
The Annual Report provides a snapshot of this progress.
During the course of this single year, the new WMO HydroHub started to stimulate innovation and community engagement for making hydrological measurements more sustainable. WMO became an official observer with the Arctic Council and launched the Year of Polar Prediction to improve predictions for the Arctic and Antarctic. National agencies launched and operationalized sophisticated, next-generation meteorological satellites. The WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) expanded its reporting to cover reactive gases and airborne dust.
WMO strengthened its partnerships with other United Nations organizations. A meteorological forecaster deployed to the United Nations Operations and Crisis Centre broadened the scope of situational reports and analysis to help decision-makers strengthen proactive disaster risk reduction and aid relief efforts. The WMO project portfolio of some US$ 96 million assisted countries in every region of the world.
The annual report is available here