The weather in Germany in 2019 - Deutscher Wetterdienst

20 January 2020

As has been the case for most of the previous years, 2019 in Germany was again too dry, with more sunshine than usual and, above all, much too warm. It was the third warmest year since regular measurements first began in 1881. This is what the initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows.

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As has been the case for most of the previous years, 2019 in Germany was again too dry, with more sunshine than usual and, above all, much too warm. It was the third warmest year since regular measurements first began in 1881. This is what the initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows.

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