The Southern Africa Ministerial Meeting on Integrated Early Warning and Early Action System Initiative is aimed at converging on the priority requirements for the region to further accelerate the implementation of Sendai Framework Target G, to substantially increase availability of and access to early warning and risk information to people by 2030. The Conference will also take into consideration the gaps identified in the implementation of the Sendai Framework and recommendations as developed in the recent Third Multi Hazard Early Warning Conference (MHEWC-III) of 23-24 May 2022 in Bali, Indonesia. The main objective of this Conference is to develop the Southern African region action plan on Early Warning System (EWS) in response to the call of the Secretary General of the United Nations to ensure that every person on earth is protected by EWSs and in this case, the Southern Africa region. In keeping with the continental strategic direction, preparation of the Action Plan will be informed by the existing African strategic framework (i.e. the Integrated African Strategy for Meteorology (Weather and Climate Service)), relevant SADC Regional Strategic frameworks, and the Africa Institutional and Operational Framework for Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action, AMHEWAS).