RA I Management Group, Gender And Capacity Development & Research Committees Meetings

(UTC: 05 August 2024, 07:00 - 10 August 2024, 15:00)
Past event

Kigali, Rwanda

This is Regional Association I (Africa) Management Group (RA I-MG), Gender Coordination and Capacity Development & Research Committees Meetings in Kigali, Rwanda from 5 - 10 August 2024. The objectives of these meetings would be to examine the outcomes of the 19th Session of the Regional Association (RA I-19, Phase I) and the 78th Executive Council (EC-78) meeting as they relate to these Committees and Management Group and assess the progress of the implementation of the work of these Committees with a view to developing strategies to address recommendations in the overall implementation of the RA I Implementation Plan 2024 -2027. 
