Earth Observations in support of climate mitigation and adaptation
The event on “Earth Observations in support of Climate mitigation and adaptation” will take an integrated approach across several activities and programmes of WMO through a logical framework that goes from setting up the scene to the use of observations in the context of NDC, GST, and integrated environmental policies and finishing with the panel discussion on the financing of the sustainable observations.
The earth systems observations will be presented in the context of understanding the state of the climate system and its change. This information will be discussed in the context of climate mitigation and adaptation policy as a part of the NDC planning. The opportunities of leveraging achievements of different WMO-related initiative will be articulated in the context of mitigation and adaptation support, showing an effective coordination among G3W, GAW, GCOS, GCW, SOFF, WCRP.
Our integrated approach links different aspects of the value chain from observations to research, modelling, and information delivery, towards the need for consideration of climate policies in the context of the other environmental policies and UN Conventions (e.g. related to air quality).
The event should address the following topics:
- gaps in E.O. and knowledge,
- E.O. for climate monitoring and prediction,
- how E.O. supports NDCs, GHGs at WMO, Cryosphere, Climate tipping points,
- how do we contribute to IPCC,
- adaptation and mitigation,
- observations sustainability,
- etc.
Speakers and Panellists
- Bart Van den Hurk, IPCC WGII
- Celeste Saulo, WMO SG
- Clement Albergel, ESA
- Darius Nassiry, WSP, Princeton Univ., USA
- Gianpaolo Balsamo, WMO, G3W
- Greg Carmichael, Univ. of Iowa, USA
- Laurance Rouil, Copernicus
- Markus Repnik, SOFF
- Peter Thorne, GCOS Deputy Chair
- Sara Venturini, GEO
- Suzan M. El-Gharabawy, NIOF, Egypt
- Thelma Krug, GCOS Chair
- Vanda Grubišić, NOAA, USA
- Countries delegates
- Representatives from IPCC, GCP, UNESCO, UNEP, ISC, FAO
- Multilateral Development Banks
- 14:00-15:00 – Earth Observations in Support of Climate Change Solutions: Setting the Scene
- 14:00-14:10 – WMO Secretariat welcome & introduction, G. Balsamo
- 14:10-14:30 – Keynote on Earth Observations in support of Climate change solutions, T. Krug
- 14:30-14:50 – Q&A and Discussion
- 14:50-15:00 – Remarks from WMO Secretary General, Prof. Celeste Saulo
- 15:00-16:00 – Panel on Science & Policy integration for Mitigation
- 15:00-15:15 – G3W-GAW keynote on Synergies Research & Operations, G. Carmichael
- 15:15-16:00 – Panel with G. Carmichael, L. Rouil, V. Grubišić. Moderator: P. Thorne.
- 16:00-17:00 – Panel on Science & Policy integration for Adaptation
- 16:00-16:15 – Keynote C. Abergel (ESA)
- 16:15-17:00 – Panel with C. Albergel, S. Venturini, S.M. El-Gharabawy, T. Krug. Moderator: B. Van den Hurk.
- 17:00-18:00 – Means of Implementation: financing sustainable observations
- 17:00-17:10 – Keynote on Innovating finance for Sustaining Global Observations Networks, M. Reipnik.
- 17:10-17:55 – Panel Discussion. Moderator: D. Nassiry
- 17:55-18:00 – Wrap-up and end of the event, G. Balsamo