Global Hydrometry Support Facility (WMO HydroHub)
The Global Hydrometry Support Facility, also known as the WMO HydroHub, supports National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in their hydrological data collection, management and sharing for informed decision-making in all aspects of water resources management. The WMO HydroHub connects the expertise of WMO Members in various fields, such as science, technology, and services, with end users of hydrometeorological data and services.
The WMO HydroHub pursues its goal through three main outcomes:
- Increased Capacity: The WMO HydroHub aims at improving the technical expertise of NMHSs' staff, enabling them to sustainably operate hydrometeorological monitoring systems with enhanced data management and sharing capacities.
- Operationalized Innovation: The WMO HydroHub helps NMHSs to continuously develop and innovate their hydrometric approaches and technologies in collaboration with academia and the private sector. In addition, the WMO HydroHub promotes the operational uptake of innovative approaches and technologies at local and national levels.
- Optimized Engagements and Investments: The WMO HydroHub seeks to catalyze development opportunities for NMHSs and the overall hydromet community. This is achieved through strengthened internal and external engagements, knowledge sharing, and communication.
By leveraging expertise, promoting innovation, and facilitating collaborations, the WMO HydroHub contributes to disaster risk reduction, social and economic development, and environmental protection, and thus generates socioeconomic benefits for beneficiary countries.
The WMO HydroHub supports the modernization of the World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) for capacity building in hydrological observing systems and facilitates the implementation of the WMO Hydrological Observing System (WHOS) - the hydrological component of WIS 2.0 - for sharing hydrological data at different scales.