ASMC-WMO Regional Forum 2024 “Towards a Weather-ready and Climate-resilient Asean”, Including the Launch of the WMO State of the Climate in the South-west Pacific 2023 Report

(Europe/Zurich: 04 September 2024 - 06 September 2024)


The Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) Specialized Meteorological Centre and WMO are jointly organizing the inaugural ASMC - WMO Regional Forum in Singapore, from 4 to 6 September 2024.  Titled "Towards a Weather-Ready and Climate-Resilient ASEAN" the Forum will focus on how climate services, including high-resolution regional climate projections, can better support climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Southeast Asia. The Forum also discuss how effective and inclusive early warning systems can mitigate the impact of extreme weather and climate events, especially in light of the Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative.   The Forum will bring together experts from across the climate services value chain, including national and regional climate service providers, as well as adaptation practitioners and end-users in climate-sensitive sectors from Southeast Asia and beyond.
