Developing capacities for effective climate services in Bhutan
Project background
Climate services are key for adapting to climate variability and change and providing crucial climate information that assists individuals and organizations in society for improved decision-making in climate sensitive sectors. The Climate Services Information System (CSIS) is one of the five pillars and operational backbone of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS).
Bhutan is a landlocked country located in the Eastern Himalayas, with altitudes ranging from 150 to 7500 metres above sea level (msl). It has three distinct climate zones: the southern belt (150 - 2000 msl) is characterized by a hot and humid climate, the central belt (2000 - 4000 msl) is characterized by a cool temperature and the northern belt (above 4000 msl) is characterized by an alpine climate. Due to its geographic location and the mountainous terrain, it is vulnerable to changes in climate. The Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) notes that addressing hydrometeorological disasters and strengthening of climate resilience are key priorities. One of the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) as part of the Twelfth Five Year Plan of RGoB (2018-2023) is to enhance capacity to respond, mitigate and adapt to climate change.
This project is aimed at developing the capacities of the National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) for effective climate services in Bhutan which will be achieved via deployment of a customized Climate Services Toolkit (CST). NCHM will be able to apply climate services for decision making in climate sensitive sectors.
Enhanced capacity of NCHM to provide climate services that will support the decision-making process for climate sensitve sectors in Bhutan.
Expected outcomes
The project has six major outputs:
Output 1: Stock taking of climate services capacities and gaps
- 1.1 Identification of key stakeholder agencies within sectors (Agriculture, Health, Energy, Water, DRR) and prioritizing their climate information needs
- 1.2 Identification of their limitations, requirements/capacity building, gap analysis
- 1.3 Formulation of end to end designs to deliver climate information products to identified sectors
Output 2: Road map for development of Climate Services Toolkit (CST)
- 2.1 Customized Climate Data Management System (CDMS) to link to sector requirements integrating quality checks required for the application in each sectors
- 2.2 Integrating sub seasonal and seasonal climate information available from GPCs including KMA/APCC and RCC, IMD, Pune
Output 3: Customized CST implemented in NCHM
- 3.1 Data collection, development and deployment of prototype systems for two selected user sectors
- 3.2 Generation of customized climate information for sectors using identified CST components from WMO CST guidance
Output 4: NCMH staff members trained in use of CST
- 4.1 Training for NCHM staff on CST Toolkit
- 4.2 Capacity building training for user agencies
- 4.3 Awareness Training on climate hazards and risk relevant to each sector
Output 5: Climate Outlook Forums
- 5.1 Improve National Climate Outlook Forum (NCOF) (National level) mechanism and sharing of climate information products (DSS) generated through CST
- 5.2 Establishment of NCOF at two pilot Dzongkhags (district)
Output 6: Plan for scaling-up provision and application of climate services in various sectors
- 6.1 Focus Group Discussion/Sectoral Meetings
- 6.2 Review of Implementation
- 6.3 Project completion report and handover
- Region:
- Region II: Asia
- Climate Resilience and Adaptation
- Global Framework for Climate Services
- Capacity Development