Launch of Member Profiles on the WMO Community Platform

A six-month long data collection campaign in WMO has resulted in 123 digitalized Member Profiles, hosted on the WMO Community Platform.
In 2019, the Community Platform launched as an environment for collaboration and information sharing, with a more integrated view on activities taking place across the WMO community. Further, the platform serves as a tool to collect and digitalize information provided by Members, which allows for the analysis and production of products like the Member Profiles.
The Member Profiles have been implemented to provide key information on the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of WMO Members, including existing capabilities, and priority gaps which may require attention, intervention or further investment. WMO Members can use these profiles to assess the status of their NMHSs in comparison with other Members. Furthermore, the Profiles will inform partner entities interested in the work of NMHSs
Information on the Member Profiles has been separated into six areas:
- Summary
- Mandate, Strategic Plan, Staff and Budget
- Infrastructure
- Services
- Early Warning Services
- Research and Innovation
Members also have the ability to submit new information to update their Profiles as and when necessary, and visitors will be able to see when the latest updates were made.
As WMO continues digitalizing and centralizing data provided by Members, the Member Profiles will evolve, with additional information integrated.

This information gathered during the data collection campaign will also be used to:
- monitor implementation of the WMO Strategic Plan;
- develop a Performance Assessment Report for 2020-2021
- conduct diagnostics of Members’ capacity; and
- support the Policy Advisory Committee in its deliberations on the Strategic Plan 2024-2027.
To view Member Profiles visit here.
For any inquiries related to the community platform or Member Profiles, contact