项目 WMO管理并督查由世界各地多个捐助方资助的预算外捐款项目的实施。 这些项目致力于提高会员向其社区提供天气、气候和水相关服务的能力,以保护生命和财产免受自然灾害的影响、强化社会经济发展。项目在国家和区域两级与会员共同实施,以期满足其具体需求、应对其面临的挑战。 浏览我们的项目 National Regional Multi-national Global 脸谱网 Type of Project Ongoing Completed 脸谱网 Project status 区域一:非洲 区域二:亚洲 区域五:西南太平洋 区域四:北美洲、中美洲和加勒比 区域三:南美洲 区域六:欧洲 脸谱网 Region Enter keyword 清理过滤器 项目 Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Early Warning Services in the East Africa Region: CREWS East Africa 项目 Weather and Climate Information Services Early Warning for Southern Africa (WISER- EWSA) 项目 ENANDES+. Building Regional Adaptive capacity and resilience to climate variability and change in vulnerable sectors in the Andes, a contribution to scaling up the ENANDES project 项目 Weather and Climate Early Warning System for Papua New Guinea 项目 DRC Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Early Warning Services 项目 Greater Horn of Africa – Strengthening early warning and early action systems for meteorological, hydrological and climate extremes 项目 Togo Hydromet and Early Warning Services 项目 CREWS Chad: Support the strengthening of national capacity to deliver climate, hydrometeorological and early warning services in selected sectors and communities 项目 Support of the Hydrometeorological Unit of Haiti (UHM) for sustainable operability and the implementation of a relevant and efficient hydrometeorological warning system (CREWS Haiti) 项目 Reinforcing the capacities of meteorological and hydrological services and enhancing the early warning systems in Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) 项目 Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Early Warning Services in the Pacific (CREWS Pacific SIDS 2.0) 项目 Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin (VFDM) 分页 当前页 1 页面 2 页面 3 下一页
项目 Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Early Warning Services in the East Africa Region: CREWS East Africa
项目 ENANDES+. Building Regional Adaptive capacity and resilience to climate variability and change in vulnerable sectors in the Andes, a contribution to scaling up the ENANDES project
项目 Greater Horn of Africa – Strengthening early warning and early action systems for meteorological, hydrological and climate extremes
项目 CREWS Chad: Support the strengthening of national capacity to deliver climate, hydrometeorological and early warning services in selected sectors and communities
项目 Support of the Hydrometeorological Unit of Haiti (UHM) for sustainable operability and the implementation of a relevant and efficient hydrometeorological warning system (CREWS Haiti)
项目 Reinforcing the capacities of meteorological and hydrological services and enhancing the early warning systems in Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR)
项目 Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Early Warning Services in the Pacific (CREWS Pacific SIDS 2.0)
项目 Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin (VFDM)