活动和会议 日历 活动类型COP Event - Science for Climate Action Pavilion 活动类型 COP Event - Science for Climate Action Pavilion 脸谱网 Type of event 话题Aviation Climate Climate change Cryosphere Drought Early warning system Earth observation satellites Energy Floods Greenhouse gases Ocean Socioeconomic impacts and benefits Sustainable development Water Weather 话题 Aviation Climate Climate change Cryosphere Drought Early warning system Earth observation satellites Energy Floods Greenhouse gases Ocean Socioeconomic impacts and benefits Sustainable development Water Weather 脸谱网 Topic 年2024 年 2024 脸谱网 Event date Enter keyword 清理过滤器 即将举行的活动 过往活动 所有事件 COP Event - Science for Climate Action Pavilion 21 آذار/ مارس 2023 - 24 آذار/ مارس 2023 Why glaciers matter: Addressing climate impacts in the cryosphere through science-based intervention 未找到结果 COP Event - Science for Climate Action Pavilion 21 آذار/ مارس 2023 - 24 آذار/ مارس 2023 Why glaciers matter: Addressing climate impacts in the cryosphere through science-based intervention 暂定会议安排(2024-2027年) EC-75到Cg-19期间各组成机构、大会建立的增补机构和执行理事会附属机构届会的暂定安排 查看清单