The weather in Germany in May 2019 - Deutscher Wetterdienst

20 de junio de 2019

Although summer had once again made a brief, early appearance in April, the weather took a completely different direction in May. During the first half of the month, in particular, cool air repeatedly arrived from the north and north-west. The accompanying high pressure brought sunny weather on some days yet there were again widespread night-time frosts. At other times, low-pressure areas brought significant precipitation, particularly in the south, which briefly fell as snow, even in lowland areas. All in all, May was the first month with below-average temperatures after thir-teen months that were too warm. May was wet and with less sunshine than normal. This is what the initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows.

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Although summer had once again made a brief, early appearance in April, the weather took a completely different direction in May. During the first half of the month, in particular, cool air repeatedly arrived from the north and north-west. The accompanying high pressure brought sunny weather on some days yet there were again widespread night-time frosts. At other times, low-pressure areas brought significant precipitation, particularly in the south, which briefly fell as snow, even in lowland areas. All in all, May was the first month with below-average temperatures after thir-teen months that were too warm. May was wet and with less sunshine than normal. This is what the initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows.

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