PPP for Weather and Climate Services - An Experience Sharing from NiMet

14 de agosto de 2023

Weather and Sustainable Development: 

  • Weather is a major challenge to achieving sustainable development
  • Weather-related, weather-caused and weather-dependent disasters are frequently affecting different countries 
  • Many of the effects are catastrophic To achieve sustainable development, we must therefore understand weather, adapt to it, mitigate its effects and if possible control it 
  • Doing these require the contribution of all (i.e partnership)
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Document type:
  • Presentation
  • https://ane4bf-datap1.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/wmod8_ppe/s3fs-public/day1_ocp_hl_2_3_prof.matazu_nigeria.pdf?npKGz_AFjiVCOgWxihVrfJjDOzj_AwJI=
  • Mansur Bako Matazu, Director, Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) and Permanent Representative of Nigeria with WMO