Workshop on Cascading Shocks

(UTC: 2024年 11月 18日, 07:00 - 2024年 11月 20日, 17:00)

Genève, 瑞士

Name: Workshop on Cascading Shocks Dates: 18-22 November 2024 (2.5 days) Location: WMO, Switzerland  This Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity workshop will bring together communities working on high-risk large-scale extreme events and systemic risks and applying state-of-the-art methodologies and tools across different sectors and disciplines. This activity will foster multidisciplinary collaboration to address challenges in assessing high-impact cascading shocks across systems, with the ultimate goal of generating actionable outputs in the form of peer-reviewed, agenda setting publications that influence assessments of climate risk. Attendance is by invitation only. 
