Full-Value chain Optimised Climate User-centric Services for Southern Africa (FOCUS-Africa) capacity building programme

(UTC: 2024年 04月 10日, 12:00 - 2024年 06月 30日, 14:00)

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) along with a consortium of 15 partners is holding a series of training sessions for the Full-value chain Optimised Climate User-centric Services (FOCUS-Africa) project knowledge products and tools across 01 April 2024 and 30 September 2024. The FOCUS-Africa project aims to develop sustainable tailored climate services in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region for four sectors: agriculture and food security, water, energy and infrastructure. More information about the FOCUS-Africa project can be found at: http:// focus-africaproject.eu/.  The training sessions will be delivered in three stages and structured according to the WMO competency framework for climate services which include data and data management, (ii) climate data processing and derived products, (iii) climate model outputs and forecasts interpretation, (iv) climate services quality assurance and (v) climate services communication (User-Interface).      Stage 1 will be delivered online between 01 April and 30th June 2024 and will focus on providing Trainer of Trainees (ToT) fundamental knowledge on FOCUS Africa knowledge products and tools. The sessions are planned for upto a maximum of four (4) hours per week.     Stage 2 will be an in-person training between 01 July and 06 July 2024 where ToT will interact with FOCUS Africa knowledge products and tools through practical demonstration and testing.     Stage 3 will be an in-person training during Southern Africa Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF-29) and Climate Expert Meeting (CEM-30) in August 2024 and it will focus on practical application of the FOCUS Africa tools, and the results presented during the SARCOF-30 User Interface Platform (UIP).   The training sessions for the climate services experts from NMHSs and SADC secretariat, is led by the FOCUS Africa consortium partners.
