Monthly Weather Summary - May 2019 - Kingdom of Bahrain


May 2019 goes on record as the fifth hottest May ever experienced in Bahrain since 1902. The mean temperature of the month was 32.0°C which is 2.2°C above the long-term normal for May and this goes on record as the fifth highest mean temperatures for the month of May since 1902. This is same as May 2016 and exceeded by May 2012 with a record of 32.8°C, May 2017 with a record of 32.6°C, May 2014 & 2015 with a record of 32.4°C and May 2011 with a record of 32.2°C. 

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May 2019 goes on record as the fifth hottest May ever experienced in Bahrain since 1902. The mean temperature of the month was 32.0°C which is 2.2°C above the long-term normal for May and this goes on record as the fifth highest mean temperatures for the month of May since 1902. This is same as May 2016 and exceeded by May 2012 with a record of 32.8°C, May 2017 with a record of 32.6°C, May 2014 & 2015 with a record of 32.4°C and May 2011 with a record of 32.2°C. 

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    • 世界气象组织会员:
    • Bahrain