The weather in Germany in February 2018 - Deutscher Wetterdienst


Exceptionally sunny and dry, frequently with sharp frost

Offenbach, 27 February 2018 – In February, there was a complete change in the weather in Europe. High air pressure increasingly built up over northern and eastern Europe, with the result that Atlantic low pressure troughs could generally no longer pass freely over central Europe. Precipitation in Germany decreased significantly and the sun appeared more often. During the day, the sun continued to produce temperatures above freezing in lowland areas, whereas – in contrast to January – the clear nights more frequently brought slight to moderate frost, which was occasionally also sharper over snow. At the end of February, fresh cold air from the north-east and east frequently brought double-digit below-zero temperatures. This is what the initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows. 

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  • 世界气象组织会员:
  • Germany