Meteo France International (MFI): Modernizing NMHSs through public-private partnerships


Compendium of Good National Practices for Public-Private Engagement 

Meteo France International (MFI): Modernizing NMHSs through public-private partnerships 

Patrick Bénichou Meteo France International 

How to best implement the Meteorological Value Chain at the national level; how to best use the public monies in the most effective and sustainable ways; are challenges of this decade for a lot of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), and no NMHS can embrace the whole value chain with the same level of energy. Public-Private Engagement would address those challenges, within which the DBO (Design Build Operate) approach could bring a lot of incentives to NMHS in the field of system integration, change management and sustainability. It is also fully compliant with the spirit of the Geneva Declaration - 2019 endorsed during the 18th World Meteorological Congress

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