The new WMO Bulletin: WMO leadership for a sustainable future focuses on interviews and articles highlighting Secretary-General Celeste Saulo's commitment for the years ahead.
WMO Secretary-General Celeste Saulo, whose four-year term started on 1 January 2024, promised to bring a new way of leading the Organization
“Equipping each and every state and region to carry out effective, tailored-to-context strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation that promote sustainable development and reduce disaster risks is a priority,” writes the Secretary-General in the foreword.
“It is the clear mandate of WMO to take a lead in this area and together with those who share this common goal much can be achieved: sustainable development for all. WMO is well-placed to take on this leadership,” writes Celeste Saulo.
The Bulletin was released to support discussions at WMO’s Executive Council meeting from 10 to 14 June.