EUROCLIMA+ boosts risk management of droughts and floods in the Andes

02 mai 2019

A new project called EUROCLIMA+ : droughts and flooding- in the Andes has been launched.

A new project called EUROCLIMA+ droughts and flooding in the Andes has been launched.

From 22 to 26 April, the Institute for Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) Colombia hosted the regional workshop, with participation from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services from Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela along with 19 other institutions from western South America.

The regional project: Strengthening national and regional monitoring systems and risk management for droughts and flooding in a climate change context and desertification in the Andean countries is funded by the European Union. It has the following prime aim: “To reduce social and economic impacts associated to droughts and flooding through capacity strengthening and the joint of regional, national and local institutions involved in droughts and flooding risk management in the Western of South America countries”.

Participants of the EUROCLIMA workshop were briefed on WMO drought activities.  Robert Stefanski, Chief of the Agricultural Meteorology Division, made a video presentation on the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP).  He provided an overview of long standing collaboration on drought with other UN agencies. IDMP is co-sponsored by WMO and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) along with 35 partners organizations and has created a Drought Management  Helpdesk to assist Members. IDMP has developed the three pillars of Drought Management which are needed to develop successful national drought policies. Mr Stefanski provided an overview of the South American Drought Information System (SISSA-Sistema de Información sobreSequías para América del Sur).

The kick off meeting also had video messages from directors of the participating NMHSs, AEMET in Spain, the Director of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Regional Office for the Americas; and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. 

More details from CIIFEN 
