WMO Side Event at the UN Ocean Conference - Polar Regions in a changing climate: ocean solutions through science to services

(Europe/Zurich: 28 de junio de 2022, 00:00 - 00:00)
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2022 UN Ocean Conference | United Nations

UN Ocean Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, SDG 14

1400 to 1530 Lisbon WEST

(1300 TO 1430 UTC)

Live interpretation will be provided in Spanish and English

Welcome remarks:

Dr. Anthony Rea, Director, Infrastructure Department, WMO and 

Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary, IOC-UNESCO


  • Dr Johanna Ikavalko, Director, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
  • Mr John Parker, Director, Prediction Service Operations – Atlantic and Ice, Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Mr Alvaro Scardilli, Servicio de Hidrografia Naval, Ministerie de Defensa, Republica Argentina 
  • Dr Christopher J. Cox, Earth System Research Laboratories (ESRL) US National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


  • Dr Johanna Ikavalko, Director, Arctic CentreUniversity of Lapland
  • Mr John Parker, Director, Prediction Service Operations – Atlantic and IceEnvironment and Climate Change Canada
  • Mr Alvaro ScardilliServicio de Hidrografia Naval, Ministerie de Defensa, Republica Argentina 
  • Dr Christopher J. CoxEarth System Research Laboratories (ESRL) US National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Moderator: Dr Anthony Rea, Director, Infrastructure Department, WMO

Zoom Registration link:

Webinar Registration - Zoom

Upon registering, all participants will receive a personalized Zoom link. 

Coordinating Partners:

University of Lapland, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), US National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), UNESCO-Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

Side Event Summary here


For more details about this and other Side Events held at the UN Ocean Conference 2022, see https://www.un.org/en/conferences/ocean2022/events/side

For any queries, please contact mmo@wmo.int
