Regional WIGOS Centre Beijing is in official operation: CMA

22 de diciembre de 2021

On December 17, the inaugural ceremony of Regional WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS), Beijing, was held in China Meteorological Administration (CMA). Mr. Zhuang Guangtai, Administrator of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and Permanent Representative of China with WMO, expressed that CMA would leverage Regional WIGOS Centre, Beijing as a bridge to ramp up the regional and global data quality and observation capacity, and continue to inject new dynamism into the global and regional meteorological development.

The ceremony was chaired by Mr. Chen Zhenlin, Deputy Administrator of CMA. WMO Assistant Secretary-General, Dr. Zhang Wenjian attended this event. Dr. Abdulla Al Mandous, President of the Regional Association II (Asia) of WMO, sent a congratulatory letter. Officials from WMO Secretariat, and delegates of WMO members, and representatives from relevant working groups of RA II took part in the ceremony online.

Zhuang Guotai remarked that CMA Meteorological Observation Center (MOC) was one of the operationalized Regional WIGOS Centres in the world recognized by WMO among the first batch. This symbolized that WMO recognizes relevant operational capability of CMA, and was a significant measure taken by RA II in exploring regional observation capacity development, as well as a key result yielded by WMO reform. He stressed that CMA would continue to fulfill its responsibility, and engage in global meteorological development, provide meta data management, quality monitoring management, and observation capacity development services for countries and territories within the region.

Zhang Wenjian pointed out that WIGOS construction is one of the frontier development areas of WMO strategic plans. In recent years, Regional WIGOS Centre, Beijing has done a tremendous amount of work in coordination and communication. He expressed that the establishment and development of this centre will provide high quality information support for diverse regions in the world, and in particular, play a crucial role in enabling less developed countries and regions to consolidate observation data use and quality control, and data sharing capacity. He anticipated that WMO and CMA continue to conduct close-knitted partnership in terms of global basic observation network and data sharing, and propel the high quality operation of Regional WIGOS Centre, Beijing.

Abdulla Al Mandous stated that WIGOS was a core content and infrastructure factor of WMO. It undertook the role of supporting WMO programs and application and exploration. The founding of this centre marks the firm commitment made by CMA to the global meteorological development, and will further make a key contribution to the development of WMO and RA II.

After four-year trial operation, RWC Beijing has established meta data management standard, management system, and WIGOS data quality surveillance system oriented towards RA II. It is capable of data quality monitoring, assessment, tracking and improvement in observation stations of RA II of WMO. (Dec. 21).

Full CMA story is here

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