Weather in November 2021 in Bulgaria - National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of the Republic of Bulgaria

14 de diciembre de 2021

November 2021 is among the warmest months of November since 2010. The monthly mean temperatures are between 6 and 11 °С and they deviate from the climate norm by +0.5 – +4.5° С. It was warmer than average in the periods 1-9.XI, 22-23.XI and colder in 10-13.XI and 24-26.XI. The highest maximum temperatures are between 17 and 30 °C and were mostly measured on 5-6.XI. But the highest of all was taken in Veliko Tarnovo (Central North Bulgaria) on 5.XI – 32.4 °С. The lowest minimum temperatures are mostly between -8 and 1 °C and were mostly measured during the period 25-26.XI or on 12.XI but along the Black Sea coast they are between 0 and 5 °С. The lowest minimum temperature of all was measured at Cherni Vrah peak (2286 m) on 20.XI - -8.8 °С.

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November 2021 is among the warmest months of November since 2010. The monthly mean temperatures are between 6 and 11 °С and they deviate from the climate norm by +0.5 – +4.5° С. It was warmer than average in the periods 1-9.XI, 22-23.XI and colder in 10-13.XI and 24-26.XI. The highest maximum temperatures are between 17 and 30 °C and were mostly measured on 5-6.XI. But the highest of all was taken in Veliko Tarnovo (Central North Bulgaria) on 5.XI – 32.4 °С. The lowest minimum temperatures are mostly between -8 and 1 °C and were mostly measured during the period 25-26.XI or on 12.XI but along the Black Sea coast they are between 0 and 5 °С. The lowest minimum temperature of all was measured at Cherni Vrah peak (2286 m) on 20.XI - -8.8 °С.

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