Monthly Weather Summary - January 2019 - Kingdom of Bahrain

11 de febrero de 2019

January 2019 goes on record as the warmest January ever experienced in Bahrain since 1902. The mean temperature of the month was 19.7°C which is 2.7°C above the long-term normal and this goes on record as the highest mean temperatures for the month of January since 1902. The old record was 19.6°C in January 2004.

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January 2019 goes on record as the warmest January ever experienced in Bahrain since 1902. The mean temperature of the month was 19.7°C which is 2.7°C above the long-term normal and this goes on record as the highest mean temperatures for the month of January since 1902. The old record was 19.6°C in January 2004.

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