Answer to the questions: INNOVATION IN PPE - Public Goods in Weather and Climat

03 de julio de 2020
  • On How does the public recover costs from the private sector adding value to public investment results? I think first there should be a paradigm shift from the business-as-usual Public and Private WCS delivery. the PPP model championed by the WMO now offers an opportunity for all WCS value chain actors to collaborate, cooperate and get adequate remuneration for their efforts. And Prof. Perrels has listed a number of possible models suitable for different situations.
  • So a value chain approach will work for all, but what is missing now as all actors are working in silos is an "AGGREGATOR" or "PLATFORM" that brings all WCS value chain actors together and develop and efficient WCS value chain in different regions and countries
  • What defines the quality of a weather/climate/water service offering?
  • Public warnings are the prototype of public good -- why are the big social networks not notifying me of a severe weather situation in my area?
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Document type:
  • Event report
  • Tatsuya Kimura, Director, Public-Private Engagement Office