WMO & HMEI Information Day

(Europe/Zurich: 10 آذار/ مارس 2021, 15:00 - 16:30)
حدث سابق

Geneva, سويسرا

A blue background with the words information day.


The WMO Reform package approved by the Eighteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-18) in June 2019 supports the science-to-services process and the Earth system approach along the value chain of production of a wide range of weather, climate, water, ocean, and environment-related information and services. It broadens the opportunities for the whole WMO community and individual experts from the public, private, and academic sectors to contribute to the work of the Organization. In particular, there is an expectation that the traditional engagement of the private sector experts in the work of the technical commissions will be further facilitated and expanded. In October 2020, the HMEI Council was briefed about the functions of the new WMO PPE Office, and about the WMO constituent bodies reform and Secretariat restructuring. The council members expressed great interest and appreciation of the stated intentions for improved cooperation between the two organizations and the new opportunities for the HMEI members to contribute to the future technical activities and policies of the WMO. They felt that the WMO's restructuring has implications for the interaction and engagement of the private sector stakeholders in the WMO processes. To realize the potential of this new situation, it was recommended that WMO, in coordination with the HMEI, to organize an awareness event for the industry stakeholders to facilitate and stimulate contacts and participation in various activities and initiatives. Following the above discussions, an online Information Day for the Industry is being organized with the participation of the presidents of the WMO Technical Commissions, the WMO Secretariat, and the HMEI council members. 


To familiarize industry stakeholders with major WMO developments including the new technical commissions and their sub-structures, working procedures, plans, and priorities; the policy and actions to engage the private sector; the new structure at the WMO Secretariat; To discuss opportunities for industry stakeholders to participate more actively in WMO technical activities and suggest ways to improve the collaboration between industry and WMO in general. 

Event Details

  • Date/Time: 10 March, 15.00-16.30 UTC 
  • Online platform: ZOOM 
  • Participants: Industry: HMEI members, PRIMET members; other companies WMO: Presidents and vice-presidents of INFCOM and SERCOM, chairs of standing committees and study groups; Secretariat: Directors for Infrastructure Department and Service Department, PPE Office, DP Office, others as needed.





WMO Secretary-General, Professor Petteri Taalas (Jan 2016-Dec 2023)
Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization
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A bald man wearing glasses and a jacket.
James Earl Anderson, Vice President of Global Sales, Advanced Environmental Monitoring and Chair of HMEI
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A man in a suit and tie standing in front of bushes.
Michel Jean, President, Commission for Basic Systems, WMO
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Ian Lisk
Ian Lisk, President, Services Commission, WMO
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Anthony Rea
Anthony Rea, Director, Infrastructure
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Johan Stander in front of WMO flag.
Johan Stander, Director, Services
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Markus Repnik, Director SOFF Secretariat
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