The four-year Denmark support to EW4All Project aims to enhance climate resilience and early warning systems in Niger, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania. With a grant of CHF 4.9 million from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, this initiative addresses recurring natural hazards, such as flash floods and droughts, that significantly impact these countries, causing loss of life and substantial economic and material damage.
The Danish support project will facilitate immediate actions required to implement an integrated approach across the four pillars of EW4All: disaster risk knowledge; detection, observations, monitoring, analysis, and forecasting; warning dissemination and communication; and preparedness and response capabilities. It will also strengthen anticipatory action through the WMO Coordination Mechanism (WCM), support the design, delivery, and uptake of climate and risk information services, and assist in managing the global enabling environment of EW4All.
The main activities of the project will involve the implementation of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) in the five target countries. This includes the production, analysis, interpretation, and use of climate and risk information to strengthen MHEWS. The countries will also develop capacities to monitor and forecast priority hazards, generate and disseminate actionable early warning responses, and enhance community capacities to respond to, prevent, or mitigate the impacts of climate-related hazards. Furthermore, the project will foster an enabling policy environment to ensure effective coordination between relevant agencies and stakeholders in these countries.