Integrated approaches to addressing disaster, climate and environmental risks enable impactful UN support to building resilience in Tajikistan

28 juin 2024

Tajikistan is faced with the frequent occurrence of natural hazards, with climate change further exacerbating their impacts. In 2023, avalanches, mudflows, earthquakes, rockfalls, landslides, floods and severe weather events cost 51 lives. They di

Tajikistan is faced with the frequent occurrence of natural hazards, with climate change further exacerbating their impacts. In 2023, avalanches, mudflows, earthquakes, rockfalls, landslides, floods and severe weather events cost 51 lives. They displaced and affected the lives and livelihoods of thousands of people, while causing an estimated economic damage of over 7 million USD. Risk reduction measures such as river bank protection and watershed management are reducing the number of people living in areas most exposed to natural hazards, with currently around 15,000 persons remaining in high-risk areas. [1] Annual economic losses from disasters can reach up to 1.3 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product.

The Government of Tajikistan and United Nations organizations in Tajikistan take an integrated approach to the management of disaster, climate and environmental risks, which is reflected in the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 20232026 and coordinated in the results group for Outcome 3. The United Nations Country Team in Tajikistan, under the leadership and convening role of the UN Resident Coordinator, are reinforcing the capacities of national institutions and actors to reduce disaster risk, supporting an all-of-society approach.United Nations organizations are supporting Tajikistan in strengthening the coordination of disaster risk reduction and related measures. Tajikistan's National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction led by the Government of Tajikistan benefits from the support and active participation of a wide range of national and international stakeholders and partners.

The Republic of Tajikistan's National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction is aligned with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and supported by the United Nations Country Team. An assessment of the strategy was carried out with the participation of the UNCT, academia and independent experts in 2021 and helped to identify priority areas and related tasks for its implementation, taking into account existing and emerging risks. In 2022, with UN support, Tajikistan conducted a Midterm Review of the implementation of the Sendai Framework in the country, which helped to identify Tajikistan's achievements in disaster risk reduction and mainstreaming DRR into development, as well as gaps where greater engagement of all stakeholders is needed. Based on the identified priorities, the Government of Tajikistan actively engaged the UN Country Team in the development of the Midterm Programme and Action Plan for the National DRR Strategy implementation for the period 2023-2028. This joint work brought together all DRR activities that are being implemented and planned by national and international stakeholders in the country. The development and approval of the 3-year Action Plans allow for monitoring joint actions, making adjustments and introducing new measures based on needs, progress, and identified priorities. Also, Tajikistan's disaster risk management system and its resilience to stress was assessed through a participatory approach. This joint initiative resulted in the development of an Action Plan to strengthen the capacity of the country's disaster risk reduction system, which was endorsed by the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.

In August 2023, the UN organizations in Tajikistan and the Government of Tajikistan launched the United Nations Secretary-General's 'Early Warnings for All' Initiative (EW4All) to enhance disaster risk knowledge, detection, observation, monitoring, analysis, forecasting, dissemination, communication, preparedness and response under four interlinked pillars. The institutional mechanism of the initiative is anchored to the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and ensures the involvement of all key government partners. Under the co-chairmanship of the Deputy Prime-Minister and the UN Resident Coordinator, the implementing pillar leads from UN Agencies (UNDRR, WMO, ITC), IFRC and government partners (Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defence, Committee of Environmental Protection, Agency of Hydrometeorology, Committee of Television and Radio, Communication Service) prepared a draft roadmap for 2024-2027 to ensure the initiative's implementation. The draft roadmap has been discussed with participation of a wide range of participants at the national and local level and is to be endorsed in June 2024. It is expected to provide inclusive participation of all partners and secure adequate funding.

In 2023, under Outcome 3 'Integrated management of climate and environmental risk' of the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, the United Nations Country Team members in Tajikistan implemented community-based integrated solutions for sustainable and inclusive natural resource management, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction that have significantly improved the livelihoods of more than 67,000 vulnerable people. This included support to smallholder farmers, cash assistance for food-insecure households to build assets such as greenhouses and irrigation systems, the development of 14 watershed action plans, agreed actions to prevent water pollution from mine tailings, as well as ecosystem-based interventions.

Also, the Rapid Emergency Assessment and Coordination Team (REACT) was refocused on promoting effective disaster preparedness, response and recovery with a new Statement of Common Understanding. At the national level, REACT is co-chaired by the Chairman of the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of the Government of Tajikistan and the UN Resident Coordinator and comprises Sectoral Coordination Groups, Technical Working Groups, Regional REACTs, and Rapid Response Teams. Two simulation exercises were undertaken in 2023 - one focused on responding to emergencies involving large numbers of refugees, and one simulated the actions of local authorities, emergency personnel, and partners in coordinating evacuations to safe areas during emergencies. The workplan for 2024 comprises the coordination of emergency assessments and responses, preparedness, early actions and activities aligned with the Early Warnings for All initiative.

Together with strengthening DRR coordination, the UN Country Team under the leadership of the RC supports the Government of Tajikistan and relevant agencies in ensuring a coherent link between DRR activities and emergency response. In order to comprehensively address these issues and develop necessary proposals and solutions, assistance is provided in organising periodic extended meetings of the National Platform for DRR and REACT.

[1] Chairman of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense Rustam Nazarzoda, reported in Asia Plus, 7 February 2024

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