Supporting and standardizing climate services in Europe and beyond (Climateurope2)

Situation actuelle

 Climateurope2 is a Horizon Europe project addressing the critical need for timely and effective climate information, aiming to support the climate services community by proposing standardization procedures for future equitable and quality-assured climate services, essential for decision-making across various societal sectors.

WMO will support the creation of an inventory of the current climate services (CS) market, analyze its gaps, explore potential future developments, identifying existing standards and potential gaps to describe (meta)data, identifying best practices and user requirements for provenance and lineage information, along with effective presentation methods and improving verification and certification methods to ensure quality assurance and FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) of data, processes, and products. 


Broaden and strengthen the provision of policy- and decision-supporting climate information and services


  • Develop standardization procedures for climate services.
  • Support an equitable European climate services community.
  • Enhance the uptake of quality-assured climate services to aid in adaptation and mitigation to climate change and variability. 


  1. Support the implementation of the EU Adaptation Strategy and the Mission on adaptation to climate change, including societal transformation by providing standardized tools for climate proofing and increasing resilience.
  2. Improve the relevance of data, information, and knowledge on climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation for users in both the private and public sectors.
  3. Enhance the value of climate services through the development of standards, quality assurance procedures, and improved communication.
  4. Generate trust across the supply and demand of knowledge and services, supporting the development of a market for climate services and the European climate service sector.
  5. Improve the quality, impact, equity, and performance of European climate services.
  6. Enhance data and analytical tools for climate impacts, risks (including extremes and longer trends), and transition risks, providing actionable knowledge for the formulation of recommendations and identification of adaptation options.
  7. Enhance coordination and visibility of climate services activities. 


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Le financement :
€ 8,695,369.66
WMO Long-Term Goal(s):
  • Global Framework for Climate Services
Focus Area(s):
  • Service Delivery
