Alexandre Hauet

After a Master's degree and a thesis in river hydraulics (2006), focused on flow measurement by image analysis, at Grenoble Alpes University, Alexandre Hauet worked as a researcher in France (CNRS, INRAE) and at University of Iowa. He joined Électricité de France (EDF - DTG) in 2008 as a hydrometer engineer. Since 2012, he has been in charge of the development of materials and methods related to hydro-climatological observation (water level, flow, rain, snow, temperature) at EDF, with a specialization in flow and current measurement (ADCP, dilution, non-intrusive methods, associated uncertainties). In 2020, Alexandre worked one year for NVE (Ministry of Energy, Oslo, Norway) on hydrometric issues. He co-develops Fudaa-LSPIV, a free software for video-based streamgauging, and co-manages the French-speaking professional network Groupe Doppler Hydrométrie.

Alexandre Hauet