Report of the Second-High Level Session of the Open Consultative Platform

The Open Consultative Platform (OCP) – Partnership and Innovation for the Next Generation of Weather and Climate Intelligence – is a WMO-facilitated mechanism established in 2019 for inclusive consultation among all stakeholders. Its annual thematic session brings together the public, private, and academic sectors on a High-Level Round Table to address common grand challenges before the global weather and climate community in an open, constructive, and participatory way. The Second High-Level Session of the Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-2) was held on 26 and 27 May 2021 via Zoom as an online event. The session discussed progress in thematic areas identified as “grand challenges” at the High-Level Round Table for the Launch of the Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-1) in June 2019. The discussions support the building of a common vision of the weather and climate community on relevant thematic areas with a horizon of 2030 and beyond. The OCP-HL-2 was hosted by Prof. Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of WMO, and Prof. Gerhard Adrian, President of WMO.

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