Lancement de l'Alliance pour le développement hydrométéorologique ou comment unir les efforts pour que les alertes précoces et l’information climatologique soient une réalité pour tous d'ici à 2030

10 décembre 2019

Twelve international organizations providing assistance to developing countries came together at the UN Climate Change Conference today to launch the Alliance for Hydromet Development. 

The members of the Alliance have committed collectively to ramp up action that strengthens the capacity of developing countries to deliver high-quality weather forecasts, early warning systems, water, hydrological and climate services.  Known for short as “hydromet” services, these underpin resilient development by protecting lives, property and livelihoods. 

Madrid, Spain (10 December 2019) – Twelve international organizations providing assistance to developing countries came together at the UN Climate Change Conference today to launch the Alliance for Hydromet Development.

The members of the Alliance have committed collectively to ramp up action that strengthens the capacity of developing countries to deliver high-quality weather forecasts, early warning systems, water, hydrological and climate services.  Known for short as “hydromet” services, these underpin resilient development by protecting lives, property and livelihoods.

Hydromet alliance launched at COP25

The founding members of the Alliance for Hydromet Development are the Adaptation Fund, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund, Islamic Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, World Bank, World Food Programme and World Meteorological Organization.

The Alliance is open for membership to all public international development, humanitarian, and financial institutions providing assistance to strengthen developing countries’ hydromet capacity.

“The science is clear: the global average temperature has increased by 1.1°C since the pre-industrial period, and by 0.2°C compared to 2011-2015,'' said World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Petteri Taalas.

“Ambitious climate action requires countries to be equipped with the most reliable warnings and best available climate information services. Many developing countries are facing capacity constraints to provide these services. The Alliance is the vehicle to collectively scale-up our support to the most vulnerable”.

World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development Laura Tuck underlined the important role of the Alliance.

“It’s good to see everyone formally coming together through this Alliance and committing to bridge the gap between developed and developing countries in the provision of hydromet and early warning services,” she said. “This will help ensure we are coherent, consistent, and efficient in the way we are supporting countries to prepare for climate risks and protect people.”

Members of the Alliance have committed to unite their efforts in four areas:  

First, improving systematic observations for better data by strengthening country capacity for sustained operation of observational systems and seeking innovative ways to finance developing country observations.

Second, enhancing support for better adaptation, mitigation and resilience by strengthening country capacity for science-based mitigation and adaptation planning.

Third, strengthening early warning systems for improved disaster risk management by developing multi-hazard national warning systems, comprising better risk information, forecasting capabilities, warning dissemination, and anticipatory response.

Fourth, boosting investments for better effectiveness and sustainability by fostering programmatic approaches that go beyond individual projects, including systematically strengthening the World Meteorological Organization integrated global, regional and national operational hydromet system.

The actions of the Alliance to close the hydromet capacity gap are guided by the principles of UN agreements, including the Sustainable Development Goals , the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

More information is available at:  Alliance for Hydromet Development 

Hydromet alliance launched at COP25

Statements from Alliance founding Members

Adaptation Fund

The Adaptation Fund is honored to join the Alliance for Hydromet Development. This important partnership is aligned well with the Fund’s mission to help the most vulnerable communities adapt and build resilience to climate change. With 20% of our portfolio of concrete projects on the ground currently dedicated to Disaster Risk Reduction, we strongly believe that reliable and strong hydromet services are integral to supporting adaptation to climate change in developing countries that are facing increasing climate change impacts and challenges. 
Sylviane Bilgischer
Chair of the Board

African Development Bank

The AfDB joins the Alliance recognizing the gap in limited capacity of African countries to address vulnerability to extreme climate shocks. Through the Hydromet Alliance, we are committed to double our support to African countries and work with them to transition from dealing with disaster emergencies to building resilience against the impacts of extreme weather events.
Anthony Nyong
Director Climate Change and Green Growth

Asian Development Bank

Asia and the Pacific region is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and disasters. It is of critical importance to provide coordinated support to countries for strengthening integrated end-to-end multi-hazard early warning systems.
Woochong Um
Director-General Sustainable Development and Climate Change

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

EBRD supports this endeavour as private sector needs good weather and climate data to make better investment decisions in the face of climate change.
Terry McCallion
Director Energy Efficiency and Climate Change

Global Environment Facility

It is hard to overstate the value of high-quality weather forecasts and early warning, which as a result of climate change are increasingly necessary for the resilience of livelihoods and economies in developing countries. The Alliance for Hydromet Development is an important partnership to advance climate adaptation action in a systematic way, and the Global Environment Facility is delighted to support it.
Naoko Ishii
Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson

Green Climate Fund

Building on the success of the Green Climate Fund’s recent replenishment, we are stepping up our efforts to match the urgency of the climate crisis, including by increasing the capacity of the most vulnerable countries and communities to cope, manage and respond to the changing climate. Over 75% of all Nationally Determined Contributions highlight the need for enhanced climate information and early warning systems. In collaboration with our Alliance partners, GCF is committed to accelerating the implementation of innovative initiatives that will respond to this need, modernize hydromet services, and strengthen the resilience of millions of people across the globe.
Yannick Glemarec
Executive Director

Islamic Development Bank

The provision of efficient hydromet services is fundamental to the protection of livelihoods and enhancing the climate resilience of communities through enhanced early warning and response systems for mitigating climate and disaster risks.
Amadou Thierno Diallo
Acting Director-General, Global Practices

United Nations Development Programme

This alliance signals a new generation in global cooperation to bring end-to-end climate services to vulnerable people whose lives and livelihoods are being pushed to the edge by erratic rainfall patterns, droughts and floods, and rising temperatures. Since 2008, 9.6 million people have benefited from UNDP supports for increased access to climate information across 50 countries. Taken together with informed climate actions, improved climate governance and scaled up ambition on Nationally Determined Contributions, these services and expanded cooperation will accelerate our global efforts to reach the targets outlined in the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals.
Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
Director and Executive Coordinator

United Nations Environment Programme

Investing in adaptation planning and science is a critical precondition for peace and stability across the world. The more effective our hydro-meteorological services, the better will be our capacity to observe and predict the impacts of a changing climate and ensure effective environmental management, disaster risk reduction and food security.
Inger Andersen
Executive Director

World Bank

2019 has been disastrous in terms of the impacts of extreme weather events, hammering home the need for better and more coordinated hydromet and early-warning services: 1300 people lost their lives to Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Southeast Africa, displacing hundreds of thousands; Hurricane Dorian, was the most intense tropical cyclone to hit the Bahamas, causing billions of dollars of damage. The Alliance for Hydromet development and its commitments are essential to ensure that countries get the best advice and support they need in the face of the increasing challenges of the changing climate.
Laura Tuck
Vice President Sustainable Development

World Food Programme

The humanitarian community is confronted with a rising number of climate shocks. In such an environment, we must move from simply reacting to crises to anticipating them and managing risks more effectively. Quality hydromet information is an essential piece to this puzzle: It enables us to trigger preventive action together with governments before climate hazards turn into disasters.
Gernot Laganda
Chief Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes

World Meteorological Organization

The science is clear: the global average temperature has increased by 1.1°C since the pre-industrial period, and by 0.2°C compared to 2011-2015. Ambitious climate action requires countries to be equipped with the best available warnings and climate information services. Many developing countries are facing capacity constraints to provide these services. The Alliance is the vehicle to collectively scale-up our support to the most vulnerable.
Petteri Taalas

For further information contact: Clare Nullis, media officer. Email Cell 41797091397

Notes aux rédacteurs

Madrid, Spain (10 December 2019) – Twelve international organizations providing assistance to developing countries came together at the UN Climate Change Conference today to launch the Alliance for Hydromet Development.

The members of the Alliance have committed collectively to ramp up action that strengthens the capacity of developing countries to deliver high-quality weather forecasts, early warning systems, water, hydrological and climate services.  Known for short as “hydromet” services, these underpin resilient development by protecting lives, property and livelihoods.

Hydromet alliance launched at COP25

The founding members of the Alliance for Hydromet Development are the Adaptation Fund, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund, Islamic Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, World Bank, World Food Programme and World Meteorological Organization.

The Alliance is open for membership to all public international development, humanitarian, and financial institutions providing assistance to strengthen developing countries’ hydromet capacity.

“The science is clear: the global average temperature has increased by 1.1°C since the pre-industrial period, and by 0.2°C compared to 2011-2015,'' said World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Petteri Taalas.

“Ambitious climate action requires countries to be equipped with the most reliable warnings and best available climate information services. Many developing countries are facing capacity constraints to provide these services. The Alliance is the vehicle to collectively scale-up our support to the most vulnerable”.

World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development Laura Tuck underlined the important role of the Alliance.

“It’s good to see everyone formally coming together through this Alliance and committing to bridge the gap between developed and developing countries in the provision of hydromet and early warning services,” she said. “This will help ensure we are coherent, consistent, and efficient in the way we are supporting countries to prepare for climate risks and protect people.”

Members of the Alliance have committed to unite their efforts in four areas:  

First, improving systematic observations for better data by strengthening country capacity for sustained operation of observational systems and seeking innovative ways to finance developing country observations.

Second, enhancing support for better adaptation, mitigation and resilience by strengthening country capacity for science-based mitigation and adaptation planning.

Third, strengthening early warning systems for improved disaster risk management by developing multi-hazard national warning systems, comprising better risk information, forecasting capabilities, warning dissemination, and anticipatory response.

Fourth, boosting investments for better effectiveness and sustainability by fostering programmatic approaches that go beyond individual projects, including systematically strengthening the World Meteorological Organization integrated global, regional and national operational hydromet system.

The actions of the Alliance to close the hydromet capacity gap are guided by the principles of UN agreements, including the Sustainable Development Goals , the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

More information is available at:  Alliance for Hydromet Development 

Hydromet alliance launched at COP25

Statements from Alliance founding Members

Adaptation Fund

The Adaptation Fund is honored to join the Alliance for Hydromet Development. This important partnership is aligned well with the Fund’s mission to help the most vulnerable communities adapt and build resilience to climate change. With 20% of our portfolio of concrete projects on the ground currently dedicated to Disaster Risk Reduction, we strongly believe that reliable and strong hydromet services are integral to supporting adaptation to climate change in developing countries that are facing increasing climate change impacts and challenges. 
Sylviane Bilgischer
Chair of the Board

African Development Bank

The AfDB joins the Alliance recognizing the gap in limited capacity of African countries to address vulnerability to extreme climate shocks. Through the Hydromet Alliance, we are committed to double our support to African countries and work with them to transition from dealing with disaster emergencies to building resilience against the impacts of extreme weather events.
Anthony Nyong
Director Climate Change and Green Growth

Asian Development Bank

Asia and the Pacific region is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and disasters. It is of critical importance to provide coordinated support to countries for strengthening integrated end-to-end multi-hazard early warning systems.
Woochong Um
Director-General Sustainable Development and Climate Change

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

EBRD supports this endeavour as private sector needs good weather and climate data to make better investment decisions in the face of climate change.
Terry McCallion
Director Energy Efficiency and Climate Change

Global Environment Facility

It is hard to overstate the value of high-quality weather forecasts and early warning, which as a result of climate change are increasingly necessary for the resilience of livelihoods and economies in developing countries. The Alliance for Hydromet Development is an important partnership to advance climate adaptation action in a systematic way, and the Global Environment Facility is delighted to support it.
Naoko Ishii
Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson

Green Climate Fund

Building on the success of the Green Climate Fund’s recent replenishment, we are stepping up our efforts to match the urgency of the climate crisis, including by increasing the capacity of the most vulnerable countries and communities to cope, manage and respond to the changing climate. Over 75% of all Nationally Determined Contributions highlight the need for enhanced climate information and early warning systems. In collaboration with our Alliance partners, GCF is committed to accelerating the implementation of innovative initiatives that will respond to this need, modernize hydromet services, and strengthen the resilience of millions of people across the globe.
Yannick Glemarec
Executive Director

Islamic Development Bank

The provision of efficient hydromet services is fundamental to the protection of livelihoods and enhancing the climate resilience of communities through enhanced early warning and response systems for mitigating climate and disaster risks.
Amadou Thierno Diallo
Acting Director-General, Global Practices

United Nations Development Programme

This alliance signals a new generation in global cooperation to bring end-to-end climate services to vulnerable people whose lives and livelihoods are being pushed to the edge by erratic rainfall patterns, droughts and floods, and rising temperatures. Since 2008, 9.6 million people have benefited from UNDP supports for increased access to climate information across 50 countries. Taken together with informed climate actions, improved climate governance and scaled up ambition on Nationally Determined Contributions, these services and expanded cooperation will accelerate our global efforts to reach the targets outlined in the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals.
Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
Director and Executive Coordinator

United Nations Environment Programme

Investing in adaptation planning and science is a critical precondition for peace and stability across the world. The more effective our hydro-meteorological services, the better will be our capacity to observe and predict the impacts of a changing climate and ensure effective environmental management, disaster risk reduction and food security.
Inger Andersen
Executive Director

World Bank

2019 has been disastrous in terms of the impacts of extreme weather events, hammering home the need for better and more coordinated hydromet and early-warning services: 1300 people lost their lives to Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Southeast Africa, displacing hundreds of thousands; Hurricane Dorian, was the most intense tropical cyclone to hit the Bahamas, causing billions of dollars of damage. The Alliance for Hydromet development and its commitments are essential to ensure that countries get the best advice and support they need in the face of the increasing challenges of the changing climate.
Laura Tuck
Vice President Sustainable Development

World Food Programme

The humanitarian community is confronted with a rising number of climate shocks. In such an environment, we must move from simply reacting to crises to anticipating them and managing risks more effectively. Quality hydromet information is an essential piece to this puzzle: It enables us to trigger preventive action together with governments before climate hazards turn into disasters.
Gernot Laganda
Chief Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes

World Meteorological Organization

The science is clear: the global average temperature has increased by 1.1°C since the pre-industrial period, and by 0.2°C compared to 2011-2015. Ambitious climate action requires countries to be equipped with the best available warnings and climate information services. Many developing countries are facing capacity constraints to provide these services. The Alliance is the vehicle to collectively scale-up our support to the most vulnerable.
Petteri Taalas

For further information contact: Clare Nullis, media officer. Email Cell 41797091397

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