2nd Africa Partner Coordination Meeting (ONLINE)

(Europe/Zurich: 04 mai 2022, 00:00 - 06 mai 2022, 00:00)
Evénement passé

A large number of development partners are committed to supporting weather, water, and climate information services (WWCIS) across Africa through projects and initiatives. In order to ensure that these initiatives provide optimal support, it is important to openly discuss current and future initiatives, plans and approaches to ensure coordination, reduce duplication and improve the ability to deliver in a sustainable manner.  In this regard, in March 2021, the 1st Africa Partner Coordination Meeting brought together development partners which support WWCIS across Africa. A key outcome of the meeting was the decision for WMO to develop the Africa Partner Coordination Mechanism (APCM), which has now been established. Building on the development of the APCM, the 2nd Africa Partner Coordination Meeting will take place virtually from 4-6 May 2022. The meeting will once again provide a platform for development partners to collaborate on specific programmes and topics and provide an update of WMO Member challenges, needs and priorities from different perspectives. 

Meeting Purpose 

  • Ensure Development Partners have access to concise and current information about WMO Member challenges, needs and priorities 

  • Inform Development Partners about initiatives related to weather, water and climate services in Africa 

  • Discuss planned initiatives and decide upon actions to ensure sustainability 

  • Drive collaboration, exchange and networking amongst Development Partners 

Expected Outcomes 

  • Development Partners are informed with the latest data available of WMO Member challenges, needs and priorities as well as ongoing initiatives to enable effective programming and harmonized interventions 

  • A collaborative network is maintained, best practices on sustainability are shared and streamlined to consistently improve programming and delivery 

Event Link

https://wmo-int.zoom.us/j/83427404443?pwd=RlFmSDViRGppa3hvWU9ydXBtRllsdz09 \

Meeting ID: 834 2740 4443 
Passcode: 562451 

Provisional Agenda  


Day 1 │ 04 May 2022 │ 12:00 - 14:00 UTC 

WMO Members Challenges, Needs & Priorities │ Insights & Overview  

12:00 – 12:20 

Introduction and Recap 1st APCM Meeting 

Poll: Expectations of the 2nd APCM Meeting 

Progress since last APCM Meeting, introduction of objective & outcomes for 2nd APCM Meeting 


12:20 – 12:40 

Setting the Scene: Next Generation of GFCS 

Overview of updates of GFCS 


12:40 – 13:20 

Members: Challenges & Priority Needs 

Presentation by WMO's Regional Office for Africa on the WMO Members challenges, needs and priorities  

WMO Regional Office Rep. 

13:20 – 13:50 

Demonstration and Q&A Session  

Demonstration: How to access WMO Member information 

Questions to be raised by Development Partners 


All participants 

13:50 – 14:00 

Closing of Day 1 and Outlook 

General Wrap-up of Day 1 


Day 2 │ 05 May 2022 │ 12:00 - 14:00 UTC 

Programming │ Information exchange between Development Partners 

12:00 – 12:10 

Recap of APCM Meeting Day 1 


12:10 – 12:50 

Development Partners: Analysis of Projects & Programs 

Sub-regional and comparative analysis of Development Partner projects & programmes  


12:50 – 13:30 

Deep-Dive: Special Programme Focus  

Discussion on specific project proposal(s) in breakout sessions by sub-region and thematic areas 

All participants 

13:30 – 13:50 

Presentation of Results  

Presenters from different break-out groups present the results 


13:50 – 14:00 

Closing of Day 2 

Wrap-up and connection of APCM Day 1 and Day 2 

Outlook Day 3  


Day 3 │ 06 May 2022 │ 12:00 - 14:00 UTC 

Break-out discussion, feedback, the way forward and closing of the 2nd APCM Meeting 

12:00 – 12:10 

Recap of APCM Meeting Day 1 and Day 2 


12:10 –13:15 

Break-out discussion on specific topics important for programming 

Break-out groups on Sustainability, Inclusive Programming, PPE, Socio Economic Benefits 

All participants 

13:15 – 13:40 

Presentation of Results  

Presenters from different break-out groups present the results 


13:40 – 14:00 

Feedback session, the way forward and closing of 2nd APCM Meeting 


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