WMO holds top-level meetings in Washington

05 avril 2019

In a series of important meetings, WMO Secretary General Petteri Taalas held talks with senior US government officials in Washington DC to discuss strategic areas of interest.

In a series of important meetings, WMO Secretary General Petteri Taalas held talks with senior US government officials in Washington DC to discuss strategic areas of interest.

Mr Taalas had the opportunity to meet with the new interim administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Neil Jacobs, and WMO Permanent Representative and Director of the National Weather service, Louis Uccellini. They discussed cooperation in areas of integrated earth system science including atmosphere, oceans, water and climate, progress in recent pilot public private partnership engagement and WMO reform and budget.

The delegation also visited the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy for talks with its Director, Kelvin Drogemeier, who was previously an extreme weather meteorologist at the University of Oklahoma. Mr Taalas discussed the proposed reform of WMO constituent bodies, cooperation and partnership in science, and US government support to the WMO.

Mr Taalas also met with senior State Department officials from the Bureaus of International Organization Affairs and Scientific and Environmental Affairs to brief on key strategic issues for the World Meteorological Congress in June.

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