Southwest Indian Ocean Names
The list of names to be used in the South‑West Indian Ocean area for identifying tropical (or subtropical) storms that will develop during the next seasons within the area bounded by Equator to 40°S west of 90°E to the east coast of Africa, has been validated by the Tropical Cyclone Committee (TCC) at its last session. The three lists of names shown hereafter will serve as the reference and basis to establish the future lists, just rotating them forward and changing the names having been used operationally during the corresponding ended cyclone seasons, replacing them by new names provided by the Members (and never used before) at the next TCC session.
The name is chosen, following alphabetical order, from a predefined list of names validated for the basin and for the cyclone season of reference (starting each season with the name with the initial letter “A”), except when a tropical system already named in the South-East Indian Ocean (east of 90° E) shifts to the South-West Indian Ocean. In this case the original name is kept unchanged.
Cyclonic season/Saison cyclonique 2023-2024 | Cyclonic season/Saison cyclonique 2024-2025 | Cyclonic season/Saison cyclonique 2025-2026 | ||||||
Names/Noms | Provided by /Fournis par | Gender /Genre | Names/Noms | Provided by /Fournis par | Gender /Genre | Names/Noms | Provided by /Fournis par | Gender /Genre |
ALVARO | Mozambique | M | ANCHA | Comoros | F | AWO | Malawi | N |
BELAL | Mauritius | M | BHEKI | Eswatini | M | BLOSSOM | Seychelles | F |
CANDICE | France | F | CHIDO | Zimbabwe | F | CHENGE | Tanzania | M |
DJOUNGOU | Comoros | N | DIKELEDI | South Africa | F | DUDZAI | Zimbabwe | F |
ELEANOR | Zimbabwe | F | ELVIS | Seychelles | M | EWETSE | Botswana | N |
FILIPO | Botswana | M | FAIDA | Tanzania | F | FYTIA | Madagascar | F |
GAMANE | Eswatini | F | GARANCE | France | F | GEZANI | South Africa | M |
HIDAYA | Tanzania | F | HONDE | Malawi | M | HORACIO | Mozambique | M |
IALY | Madagascar | F | IVONE | Mozambique | F | INDUSA | Kenya | F |
JEREMY | Seychelles | M | JUDE | Seychelles | M | JULUKA | Eswatini | M |
KANGA | South Africa | N | KANTO | Madagascar | F | KUNDAI | Zimbabwe | M |
LUDZI | Malawi | N | LIRA | Lesotho | M | LISEBO | Lesotho | F |
MELINA | Tanzania | F | MAIPELO | Botswana | F | MICHEL | France | M |
NOAH | France | M | NJAZI | Malawi | F | NOUSRA | Comoros | F |
ONIAS | Zimbabwe | M | OSCAR | France | M | OLIVIER | Mauritius | M |
PELAGIE | Madagascar | F | PAMELA | Tanzania | F | POKERA | Malawi | F |
QUAMAR | Comoros | M | QUENTIN | Kenya | M | QUINCY | Seychelles | F |
RITA | Seychelles | F | RAJAB | Comoros | M | REBAONE | Botswana | N |
SOLANI | Eswatini | M | SAVANA | Mozambique | F | SALAMA | Comoros | F |
TARIK | Mauritius | M | THEMBA | Eswatini | M | TRISTAN | France | M |
URILIA | South Africa | N | UYAPO | Botswana | N | URSULA | Kenya | F |
VUYANE | Lesotho | M | VIVIANE | Mauritius | F | VIOLET | South Africa | F |
WAGNER | Kenya | M | WALTER | South Africa | M | WILSON | Mozambique | M |
XUSA | Malawi | N | XANGY | Madagascar | M | XILA | Madagascar | M |
YARONA | Botswana | N | YEMURAI | Zimbabwe | F | YEKELA | Eswatini | M |
ZACARIAS | Mozambique | M | ZANELE | Lesotho | F | ZAINA | Tanzania | F |